Hydrasynth from ASM

Thanks, this is something I would absolutely want to know before purchasing. Deal-breaker for me. It especially sucks that the latency apparently increases as you increase the complexity of the patch (adding mutators, etc.), since you can’t solve it with a Hydrasynth-dedicated set-and-forget delay setting in your DAW. You’d potentially have to rearrange the audio differently for different patches.

Ok, this is REALLY rough. It’s all Hydra recorded to Bluebox. No other effects. I did use the Hydra’s stereo delay, because I think the Autechre track has a delay. This is me just pushing some pads, and sweeping manually. I turned the overdrive knob a bit at one point too… (I didn’t have time to set up nice envelopes for sweeps.) I basically had 15 minutes to try it. :smiley:

Disclaimer over…

Oh, one other thing, I’m trying to track down some USB noise in my audio chain right now, so you may hear that in the quiet parts. It’s not the Hydra or Bluebox, but something else… :nauseated_face:


DAMN! :clap:t6: :clap:t6: :clap:t6:

pretty darn close for a really ruff go. take it all the way :wink: blow my mind further

Too bad you still don’t have a HS phaelam — doing that patch, and playing with varying it would blow your mind more than just listening to someone else go at it. :grin:

Great work J3RK !

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Might give it another whirl later. :smiley:

That was just a sawtooth, Filter 2 in low pass, and some delay. (A few other tweaks of course, but that’s mainly it.). Simple analog mono type sound.

I find that 12db (State Variable type) filters do this type of sound best. I designed one specifically to do this sort of thing in my modulars in fact. IMO the one in the Hydra is great for this. Combine that with more interesting waveforms and lots of modulation , and you’ve got a number one recOrd. :wink:

Edit: Oh, and I added oscillator 2 with a triangle an octave lower at around 10% volume just for a little extra roundy bass. Forgot to mention that.


one day.


Tomorrow! Damnit.



I think you nailed it!


Can I hit you up for that patch when yer done. First thing I’d like to try once I can get me a Hydra again :slight_smile:

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I didn’t get a reply from ASM when I mailed them, I did get a reply from an insider on their facebook group.

Basically, it’s the way the synth calculates the mutators. It needs a full cycle of the lowest hz waveform to calculate it. The latency is going to be the cycle time of the lowest frequency. Modulate the mutators and that lowest frequency will change, along with the latency.

Don’t put the mutators mix level at 100% if you don’t want latency.


No problem at all! I can either send a bank or just lay out a few steps to get there.

One other thing is that I backed off the main sawtooth a bit at the mixer. Tweaking gain can help a bit.

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So Ive been sesrching the coverns of the internet for some cool bass patches and this one popper up… pretty rad patch imo.

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Glen Darcey talking about FM with the Hydrasynth, and Nick exploring:

I hope Sonicstate does more of these “talking with the creators and then exploring” type videos.


sounds great :slight_smile:

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Good video.

D024 is an amazing Patch.

Yes, it’s great.

Also, watching Nick work with the Hydrasynth makes me want to spend some time with one. I’m not sure if the workflow would be right for me but I’d like to give it a go.


I wouldn’t call it work. The Hydra is quite easy to get around on. Everything is a button press or two away unless you REALLY want to dig. (which is unbelievably fun as well)


I don’t know your background or how your brain is working but the workflow is intuitive and clever.


Especially considering how much is there and how many different ways you can use it. Once you learn some basics, you know where to find things. The Module Select diagram buttons, helps a lot. The audio flow is right there, and the single or multiple click of those buttons can speed things along.

The way they did the UI, makes me excited for whatever ASM decides to do next.