Hydrasynth from ASM

The Peak definitely sounds fuller or more “analog” IMO. The Hydra sounds punchy in some demos especially when the filter is being pushed but mostly sounds thin compared to the Peak. I’m sure the Hydra will be a perfect for weird modulated evolving patch’s but I haven’t heard any of the thick creamy synth patches the Peak has produced.


Did you listen to any of the soundcloud stuff GavRL?

not yet - the videos havent pushed me to yet. I probably will mind you.

Watch the Flux with it videos on YT, especially the oscillator one. That’s the best I’ve heard sound wise (for me anyway).

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This is one of my favorite Soundcloud demo tracks so far, by the man himself.

@GDarcey if you’re at liberty to tell us, was this track multitracked? If not, how did you get a separate bass line going? It sounds tonally distinct even though this is supposed to be a monotimbral machine.

PS I’ll pm you the Paypal address where you can send my latest payment


wow, hahaha
I must have uploaded it by mistake. This is the problem of doing long days for weeks on end…
Sorry for the confusion.
I think this track was something I did in about 2013. It was multi-tracked and I’m not even sure what all I used on it.

It is deleted now as it is not Hydrasynth but now I need to revisit the original files and try to recreate them on Hydrasynth.

But I’m glad you like it…I probably should post it on my own page.


for helping, I will double the paypal amount I sent you the last 3 months.


2 * 0 = 0 :joy::laughing:

Well played, sir!

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I always intend to make notes on what’s on tracks and never do. Damned if I know what’s on them after a couple of months.
Nice synth btw - looking closely at the desktop version. I was in Hong Kong for 8 years and left in January. When I lived there it was supersafe and you couldn’t find good electronic music gear. Then I left and there are riots and awesome synths. JG Ballard would make a connection…


Where do you recommend to find synths for sale there?

Well before I left a really cool place opened in central called Animato audio. They have elektron and loads of modular. I got digitone, heat and manther from them. They were just getting momentum when I left. Nice people.

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Animato Audio. I wonder if they’ll carry the Hydrasynth.

Waldorf with the XTK version, Access, Nordlead were the flagship brands of the 90s.
The deskop has always been interresting in the sense or connected to other expanders the keyboardist had access to more depth and richness in the tone by split way ,or multitimbral game playing.

Is somebody knows if hydrasynth is MPE ??
(MIDI Polyphonic Expression)to associate, with an Linnstrument?

If this question is relative to the Hydrasynth – According to an interview in midifan with Glen and Dominic the Chinese domestic channel is still being set up.

musiXboy (midifan): The last and most critical question: When can Chinese users buy it?

Glen: China’s domestic sales are handed over to Meideli. I only know that we have identified several dealers in the international market before the release. At present, our sales executives are visiting various dealers in Europe to determine the channels.

Dominic: Once there is news in the domestic sales channel, we will inform you.

(Translation via google.)

You can see the whole interview here. Midifan is an online magazine for China about electronic music.

There’s not a ton of new information in the interview. There is new info on:

  • Where the Hydrasynth is being manufactured.
  • The origin of the name “Ashun”.
  • How Glen was hired.
  • The distributed organization of ASM.
  • The distribution of Hydrasynth in China (the quote above).
  • Influence of software plug-ins on the Hydrasynth’s design.
  • A couple of nuggets on the development of a poly-aftertouch keyboard.

Also this for Log-c:

musiXboy (midifan): Does this polyphonic touch keyboard support MPE?

Glen: Not at the moment.

BTW: The translation done by Google is a little funny at times. Plus i’m guessing this has been double translated as perhaps Glen conducted his interview in English. But i’ve learned now not to be surprised when someone is fluent in whatever language.

Watching more videos and really impressed with this synth. I am thinking it’s voiced to sit well in a mix but that’s just my intuition on how I hear the voicings.

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I saw that hydrasynth coming up the november first


There’s a new Hydrasynth video from Ricky Tinez. Starts with a pretty sweet patch. Watching now.


That filter routing is absolutely wild. Such a crazy flexible synthesizer…

I have to buy this. Anybody want to buy my CZ1 :cool:

I’m wrong or does this synth sound raw, even with the filters?

i just listened to some Digitone pads and they sounded nice, somehow dreamy

I was just told by somebody that he thinks the Matriarch and Voyager Old School both sound more “raw” than the Sub37.

No idea what “raw” means anymore.

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