Hydrasynth from ASM - Tips, Tricks and Queries

Just trying to control internal parameters really - thanks

So you didn’t succed to modulate internal parameters using ribbon as source ?

Pretty sure the answer is negative but is there a way to send CCs playing the keyboard without sending midi notes ?
(Without external midi filter)

Hi all ,
Quick question regarding Hydrasynth init patch and it’s reaction with a current patch as I’m unsure. If I am using an existing patch and decide to, say ,start making a new patch from scratch and I select init does this then mean the patch I am currently on is changed to an init patch or does the system automatically select a blank patch? Hope that makes sense and thanks for the help!

You are initializing the current settings but when you go to save it will ask you which slot you want to save it at. So you could overwrite that existing slot (and it will default the suggested settings to that slot) but you can save it on a different slot. It’s only when you actually save will the patch be overwritten, but you have to click save, look at the parameter screens and change the destination, name, patch label (bass, keys, pad, etc), then you click save a second time and it will then save or overwrite.

Here’s how you can think of this. When you load a patch, and then change or init a patch it sits in the active memory. The patch storage is not changed unless you save the patch in active memory back into the patch storage space.

Does anyone know a trick to make the envelope triggers swing when triggering envelope with the lfo? I enjoy the ability to make sequences with these lfo-triggers but it always sounds rigid. If I try to put an lfo on another lfo’s timing it just gets out of control.


Use the LFO Step Advance feature, and create a one note arp sequence, and then vary the arp swing or modulate it. This will change the base note of your sequence, by select a different arp note, or select more than one arp note like let’s say an octave apart. Cool things happen with mismatched arp note count and lfo step lengths.

You can do generative sequences this way too.


For some reason I was hoping to avoid using the arp as I’d like to hear some rests where an arp will likely fill in one note after another and just simply make it swing.

Does anyone know a way to make the envelope triggers swing without the use of the arp or outside gear? I have an Octatrack but I really hoped to make sequences that swing inside the Hydrasynth solely and without using the arpeggiator. I love using lfos to create polyrhythms but I love being able to apply swing also.

no not yet - cant seem to use ribbon to do this when local midi is off…

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You should be able to do this with 2 LFOs, right? One of them should be a ramp that’s half the speed of the other. Then trigger the envelope with the faster one, and make the slower one modulate the faster one’s speed to taste.

I think I already asked but any informations concerning waveforms groups ?

If someone have infos or guesses…
Pulse are obvious, Harmonics are sine waves…

I asked ASM today.

I believe (unless I’m missing something), with your method, if lfo 1 is perpetually modulated by lfo 2, then lfo 1’s timing will continue to drift as opposed to simply swing.

I realize now that 2 envelope-triggering lfo’s are definitely necessary and then one of them ought to be time-delayed to taste. I forget the name of the parameter but, in other words, the phasing of the intended, swinging lfo ought to be modulated to taste. Voila?! Maybe? Did I answer my own query finally? Huh.
One cumbersome discomfort with this concocted scenario I finally imagined is that one cannot easily create an intended melody from one’s head as 2 separate lfos now will trade notes so maybe some back and forth tweaking of the pitch of each step from one lfo to the other. The luxury of simply turning the macros on one lfo while listening to your melody unfold is now compromised with an extra button press or 2 to get to the swung, phased lfo. Waa. I’ll try this out tonight when confronted with her and get back to everyone with my findings. Thank you.

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Did they implemented them randomly, or during a party and forgot what they did ?

:meh: 1010music Fireball on its way…


Interesting site concerning Waveforms list.
Screenshot :



Probably not, but it’s possible they synthesised them as opposed to getting them from real world sounds. It can be hard to describe single cycles in term of real world references sometimes, simply because single cycle waveforms don’t really exist in the real world and our perception of them can vary.

What were you hoping to learn?

Ah yes, right you are. There’s probably a hacky way to dial that in using tempo sync or mutual modulation, etc. The manual seems to be lacking some detail on envelopes trigger, and I can’t remember whether envelopes can trigger other envelopes or LFOs (I lent my HS to a friend so I can’t check atm, either), but maybe instead of a second LFO, an envelope that plays twice and is also triggered by an LFO could be used. It definitely sounds a bit hacky, ha.

At least the way I was envisioning it (which is likely not quite right), you wouldn’t have to worry about using 2 LFOs for the melody, it’s just the timing that would be dependent on a second LFO/envelope.

Real world with HS wavetables ?
What are you talking about ???
I am talking about synthesis.
Btw I made wavetables from real world, drums, spoken words, but it obviously not the case with HS waveforms.

Where do these waveforms come from, why did they choose them, why did they named them like this, what groups are, why didn’t they group them by groups of 8, why it doesn’t seem coherent, why it is that boring to select last ones on Explorer…
Want more ?

I can’t believe they can’t give more informations on them, and I can’t wait to receive my Fireball and use my own wavetables.


Maybe you should ask them all these questions, showing you’re talking seriously.