It’s been awhile since we shared… today we release our new EP with the ensemble together with dutch poet Jonathan Griffioen called ‘middag’.
The ensemble is evolving and where we used to blur the differences between clarinet, guitar and electronics we now chose a more traditional approach with subtle processing.
For the elektron heads, we used the machinedrum as a clock for various effects and to define the tempo used for the loops. Also I used a bit of sequenced reverb from the octatrack. The rest of the sound processing is done with pedals, microphones and a kaosspad 3.
What made this session special is the poetry by Jonathan. We let him do his thing and we floated in the background, he is an experienced poet with a great voice and sense of timing. I hope listeners who do not understand the language (the poems are in dutch) appreciate the sonic qualities of his spoken word!
Any comment is very welcome and appreciate by us all.
(Enjoy it and download it for free! Sample, remix and share it as you like, but let us know!)