How's Cenk connecting his gear? (Video)

Just saw this amazing video from Cenk. Never seen anyone so skilled at playing the Elektron gear! :open_mouth:

I have similar gear, OT, DN, AR and AH, plus some other effect boxes I’d like to incorporate in my setup.

I’m just wondering how he’s connecting it all together. I assume the A and B inputs of the OT are used for the output of the AR and DT. And assuming he’s using them both in stereo, that uses up all the input channels. Which means that if he’s CUEing anything to the effects, he can’t return it to the OT. At least I see some channel lights blink, meaning that they are being sent to the CUE.

So possibly he has a mixer somewhere where he combines the dry signal from the OT with the stuff that’s sent to the effects…?

Or possibly he’s not even using the CUE, and just has the effects straight on the AR. It sounds at least to me that he’s only using the tape delay on the drums.

Just curious… how he’s doing it, how would you guys connect a setup like this?


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