How to turn a pattern i created on a Machinedrum UW on a techno track?

Hey Elektronauts,

I’m very new here as well as a super newbie Elektron user. I just decided to start making noise and I have a Machinedrum UW which is the very first machine on my studio. I’ve been creating patterns on it almost on a daily basis during the last month as a way for me to approach such a powerful instrument and to experiment with it. Today I see a few of this patterns could turn into interesting techno tracks which I really would love to work on. However, I still feel kind of stuck in this multiverse and this is why I would love to receive advice and feedback from experimented users… What’s a recommendable ABC workflow to create a techno track?.. What should I do to turn one pattern on a track?

Thanks in advance for your supportive answers and Merry Christmas to y’all! :christmas_tree::sparkles:

Do you have an audio interface and a DAW?

My current audio interface is a SSL2+ and I have not DAW at the moment. It’s on my plans to add a synth really soon and then a computer to my set up so I can run a DAW on it

Well, you can build a track in lots of different ways. But given you aren’t using a DAW even for recording or arranging a bit, I guess you need to perform the song live and capture the stereo output in some way.

You can structure it in song mode, and then practice some live tweaking over the pattern and mute changes. Or you don’t need to structure it first, you can improvise with your patterns and mute and unmute on the fly.

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Thank you, I will definitely experiment with song mode and structuring as well as with muting and unmuting on the fly… What would be a recommendable workflow with a DAW included on the equation?

To be honest I’m doing the same even with a DAW, just recording the stereo output from the Machinedrum while I’m tweaking parameters. The benefit of using a DAW is that you can then rearrange the bits and pieces you’ve recorded. Maybe cut a part that goes on for too long, or combine different patterns into one, extend a part you like…

You can use a DAW in many different ways. You can arrange your song in it and send it to the Machinedrum via MIDI, but you wouldn’t be taking advantage of the elektron sequencer. You can record the stereo master output all at once, or track by track, so you can mix them later in the box with individual effects.

The point is, there are many different answers to your question, and you won’t know what works for you until you try. I would recommend staying away from sequencing via MIDI, because that introduces a whole array of routing and syncing issues that might distract you at first. Just try to capture the master output from the Machinedrum. Maybe do different takes and try to combine them in some sort of arrangement.


Alright… Will do, and I will most likely have more questions during the process, let’s see… Thank you for this answer, is really helpful