How to preview sound external keys?

When previewing new sounds on a track I can hear the new sound on the A4 keyboard but you wont be able to preview the sound on an external keyboard?

Any fix for this ( I have the A4 keyboard config set to internal and external)

In MIDI config there’s a selection for auto channel. Mines on channel 9 by default. This seems to automatically play the selected channel and will also play preview sounds.

Very much interested in more on this and yes, read Multi Map but even if someone dumbs-down perhaps the obvious that I am missing, it surely will help many others whom are new to A4, but obviously not to Midi, just help in merging ‘the Elektron way of working’ with our individual set-ups-ITB and OTB.
I am also thinking that there’s some info that’s applicable to A4 that may be inherently found in yet to be released Ak Reference Manual/User Manual. Multi Map coupled with Midi, external control WHILE A4 sequencer plays independently, of an external midi synth/chain…very reason wanted to peruse AK manual before making a blind pre-purchase.

THANKS! I posted above after the fact.

No worries.

On the multi map side of things. You might have already noticed in midi channels there’s a perf channel - 8 by default, and again in the midi config there’s a multi map setup menu. I guess that’s where it all lies. I haven’t played around with it, but by default seems to have mapped drums on track 1 and synths on tracks 2-4.

I am in MIDI Config but cant see this Auto Channel. the only thing close to it is

OUTPUT CH which can be set to Auto or Track

I am on midi Ch 8 on the external midi keyboard but that does not equal the sound on the A4 buttons (keys) I am previewing.

Ah I changed to CH10 on the external keyboard and that is playing what the preview A4 keys are playing. But where is it set to CH10 on A4?

From the MIDI config menu, I think you may have gone to MIDI port config sub menu. Just below that is a sub menu called MIDI channels. Try there.

I think MIDI port config is dealing with how the A4 sends midi out.

Brilliant! Thanks!