I’m new to the whole world of synth. Got myself a sweet setup but the learning curve is steep. (I’m old). I’ve got myself a Perkons drumcomputer and a a Digitone (I). I’d like to make some patterns on the Perkons and call them from the Diginote in song mode. But when I program the de PC for Perkons in the beginning of the patterns on the DN, the Perkons will wait for it’s sequence to end to switch to the next called for pattern. I’m not sure if it’s a DN problem or a Perkons problem. Is this something that is possible or is this a limitation on one of the machines? Any insight will be much appreciated. Thanks.
Welcome @bongo77.
Elektron machines use MIDI > SYNC menu to send / receive PCs and sync patterns. That messages are sent just before pattern change, at the end of current pattern.
You can try this option. The limitation is that you can’t change the PC number.
Midi tracks pattern changes you set are probably sent at the beginning of the pattern, which is too late.
If you want to use a specific PC it has to be sent before pattern change. I’d use LAST condition on DN2, on DN1 a transition patter with that PC maybe…
Did I just learn that Perkons accepts incoming PCs ??
I’ve been working around it using for instance a pattern on DN and then copying that pattern to another, but then with the PC in the end. So I can loop the first and then follow it with the copy to do the program change. But it’s a workaround. If I understand your reply it’s not really possible having the PC in the beginning on a pattern of the DN. I’ll just have to become better at playing (live). Thanks for the fast response.
It does.
What’s the contrary of RTFM ?
I’ve read the manual, saw no mention of PCs, assumed they were not supported.
It is possible, but the Perkons apparently don’t change pattern instantly. Depends on machines.
Did you try MIDI SYNC page way to send PCs ?
I’ve got to it. I didn’t really understand at first. I already checked the boxes in the menu option that you spoke off, but I figured that was needed first to be able to use PC in a midi track. Trying to figure out what you meant and coming across another forum I figured it out what you meant. If I make a pattern on DN in bankA pat1 and change it to pat2 it also changes the pattern on the Perkons from pat1 to pat2 AND it does so before the pattern starts. So NO waiting till the Perkons finishes the pattern like it would when I would put the PC in the beginning of a midi track.
So that’s a lot better than my workaround. Thanks a bunch sezare56 for showing me. Happy Newyear!
Happy new year !
PC send from MIDI SYNC menu is independant. It can be confusing indeed, you’re not the only who thought it was switches to enable midi tracks PC send.
Hello, can you pls say how exactly you set Perkons and digitone? I can’t find any info in Perkons manual
If got a Digitone I. Under Settings → Midi Config → Sync -->Program Ch Send you put the checkmark. Then when you go from Bank A Pattern 1 to Pattern 2 on the Digitone the Perkons will automatically change too from Pattern 1 to Pattern 2. If that’s what you meant?
Yeah I set exactly like this and it’s not works for me? Do yo make any settings on Perkons? And how you think if this can for if Perkons master and digi is slave?
Maybe you gotta put the Perkons in Clock Source Midi (second led)? Not sure. And I don’t know if you can do it the other way around, prob would have to check the Program Ch Receive mark under Sync. But again I’m not that knowledgeable about it either. Hope you find it.