How to edit just one particular step?

I’m posting in the digitone section but it applies to any of the elektron boxes i guess.
I feel frustrating to have to wait that the sequencer passes through the step you’re editingbto hear the result. Sometimes it takes so long to get the parameters locked. I’m sure you get what i’m talking about.
Is there a way to just manually listen to one step ?


That would be great. Another thing that would be great and should be totally doable with a firmware patch is the ability to select a step and keep it selected without having to keep the button pressed. Seriously that is getting OLD.
Elektron could update their sequencer a little, as it is starting to age.


…let them settle ALL the realtime aproaches to work flawlessly, as they’re promoting it, in first place…
for now…

pretty sure, OB will give u lots of more and advanced single step edit options one day, even stuff u can’t think of right now…but that’s tomorrow…

and 'til then, u can work out ur realtime skills…sure, there’s some headroom left, before u can call it old…
in fact plocking and co only starts to become a step of progress these days, to many other companies out there in the business…

and try to think in single round up’s first, if waiting for a single triggerstep on a late bar position in round four for example takes u too much time to wait in the real time flow…copy and paste full cycle bars later…first just chain some single rounds…then glue whole 4 rounds to one pattern…

have a plan or fool around and follow the rabbit by accidents and lucky dips…that’s the choices u got on an elektron machine…
limitations are a good thing…workarounds can push your limits…

let’s face it…there’s nothing u can’t do with an ordinary daw…but that sound and that realtime workflow approach is all that matters if it comes to elektron hardware…

[Func] + [Left/Right] and shift the sequence so that the step being edited is the first step; tweak; then place back when finished.



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And weird.

Yeah, people have called me that before :crazy_face:

nope - on some you can audition the effect of the p-locks by replaying the same note whilst the Trig is pressed down

This doesn’t work too well for machines with no separate ‘keyboard’ like A4 or AR …

note : for AK/AR ‘auditioning’ the sound could also change the velocity - but for A4 it’s handy and a neat way to store ‘presets’ along the trigs (transport off)

this could also be done by playing on an auto midi channel external device, but the existing note is not illuminated on the external device, so finding the right octave is more tricky and there’s the chance of reprogramming velocity

there’s also copy-track before a quick edit to position a step favourably for auditioning - followed by reload … waiting doesn’t bother me, but I wouldn’t be waiting on Elektron to change this either, no matter how creative it undoubtedly could be - working with or around is the only way for now


Here is a tip that doesn’t seem to be too well known and it applies to all Elektron gear:

Get your default sound that you want to apply plocks to, lets say in this example you want to open the filter and change the pitch, lay out some trigs, with sequencer not running for now, exit record, now play the sound manually and adjust relevant parameters (pitch, filter cutoff) until you get target sound desired, then when happy, on the trigs where you want the sound like this hold the trig and press the pitch and fc encoders to lock the default values to that step, now further adjust your default sound for the next way that you want it to sound, maybe close the filter and change the pitch again, play the sound manually until you get it how you want, lay out the trigs again and lock the parameters by pressing the encoders, and repeat the process until you get sequence how you want. Don’t forget that copy and paste trigs can be a real time saver too.

I find this a very quick method of working, I call it pre-locking :wink: Once you try it, it seems so obvious and a great workflow enhancer :thup:


This doesn’t seem to work unfortunately. It produces the track sound no matter the locking of parameters.

Could be an incredibly nice method indeed, but there is something i don’t get : after setting a step this way, you ‘lose’ your original base sound, don’t you ? How to revert it after each step edit ?

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Yes you do, but the idea is that you change it for each subsequent trig(s) and ideally you will only be changing the same few parameters at each step, for instance I often like to choose pitch and filter to pre-lock this gives me the bones of the structure, then when done go back and lock additional parameters at each step for further variation. So for example once the bones is done, I might then edit filter envelope or resonance or whatever.

As I said before try it for a few days to get the workflow of it, it is a handy method I think.

If I’m pre-locking more than a few parameters I write down the relevant values of the default parameters.

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Makes sense. I’ll give a try. Thanks for the advice !

There is now!!! Awesome new feature with the most recent update; trig previews!! Just hold the trig you want to hear and press ‘yes’ and it will preview it. So very handy :slight_smile: