How to Discourse: tips and tricks

These shares, as with Facebook and Spotify, mostly just make me sad. Most of the time, I can’t see them, and when I can, my browser has to take a shower afterwards. I don’t have a solution, though, short of posting everything here that fits within limits.


Unfortunately it seems thumbnails work only for reels


I wish there was a way to make it common knowledge that a topic with no replies, withdrawn by the author, will automatically disappear in 24 hours. I see people making a second post saying “please delete” or something similar, or changing the title to “please lock” when if they just withdrew the post topic (like you would a normal post using the garbage can icon), then the thread would disappear on it’s own without any additional maintenance.

It seems like this must not be common knowledge because it happens pretty frequently.


I think they’re just alarmed by the lingering evidence of their ill advised post and hope to obliterate it sooner

In instances where instead of withdrawing the topic, someone posts “changed mind please close.”

I’m just saying in those instances, you can close it yourself (by using the trash can icon) unless you create a second post in the topic, at that point it’s then too late.

I find old closed marketplace threads useful to get a sense of price history, and I am sad when someone deletes everything they wrote and then says “please close”. A closed historic thread can still be of value. Can an individual close without deleting, themselves?



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I have a no-longer-useful Discourse tip!

Have you ever been on the forum and want to search text on the page, so you press Command+F, but then the forum software hijacks the key combination and brings up the Discourse search function instead of the built-in browser search? Well, it doesn’t seem to be happening now, but it happened for years and it was super annoying. You can override it with Command+G. (Presumably Control+F/Control+G on Windows).

Was there an update that fixed that? It’s nice that it’s not happening now. If it ever comes back, I got you covered, G (not F).


I will see your Command+F and raise it with the / key for hijacked search, and the Command+G with the ' key for forced browser search. (I think it’s for links only though…)

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Oh nice, they changed it to /! I wonder when this happened, because I’ve been doing +G for a while. I’ll feel right at home with / for search, as long-time a Vi/Vim user

actually many vim shortcuts work here, press Shift+? and you’ll see you can do almost everything here with a keyboard only, and most of it in vim fashion…


yypp dt$

Nah… that didn’t work. lol


Can we add a third LFO to our Discourse?

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i CaNt ThInK oF aNy OtHeR pArAmEtErS

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