How to copy everything from Track 5 to Track 6

I’ve got a nice sequence of 16 steps on Track 5. How can I copy everything on Track 5 (sequence, sound, parameter changes…) to Track 6? Thank you for any advice.

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Copy/paste the trigs:

  1. Select track 5, enter grid mode ( Rec button), then copy (Fn + Rec/copy)
  2. Select track 6, then paste (Fn + Stop/paste)

Copy/paste the sound:

  1. Select track 5, copy the Sound (hold Track button, hit Rec/copy button)
  2. Select track 6, Paste Sound (Track + Stop/paste)

Don’t forget to save your pattern, then (Fn + temp save).
And your project before shutting down, of course.


Thank you for your clear instructions. It worked perfectly…)

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