How realiable will the AR be 20/30 years from now!

I own all the black box’s including the AR.and love them --they are perfect apart from just one negative…here it is

My friend who a well known tech doubts Elektron gear will be serviceable 20/30 years from now because its surface mount SMD putting mechanical issues aside likes switchs and pots–so if we just compare main boards
will the SMD parts still be available? --SMD companents have a short spares shelf life so will be hard to source?

Potentially Roland TB-303’s, TR-909’s, TR-808’s can last forever as its thru hole -easy to service, still easy to get off the shelf parts apart from CPU’s, and switchs and pots
I think its fair comment that we might be sitting on time bombs long term.-- this is the only downside to Elektron gear --its compact -gets hot --will it last the long haul like the Roland classics?
What do u guys think?
Never say never but if Elektron are still around and can support them with spares we will have true classics on our hands!!!
Sorry to throw this spanner in the works

Just be happy its working now lol

Seems too obvious that this question is impossible to answer…
As you mention yourself, many old drummachines also rely on parts that are non replaceable so the chance of owning a very expensive brick does exist in that scenario as well…

Well, 3D printers are on the rise. Maybe we can print our own reverse engineered parts in 20/30 years.

with technology is always like this :neutral_face:
what about the SID chip? what about the components used in the original MS20? what about… the list could go on and on i guess but that’s normal.
your friend is right in asking the question, no doubt, but there’s not much that can be done i believe and as monk says: ‘just be happy its working now lol:smiley:

ps: you mention that ‘potentially’ roland stuff can last forever, easy to service, still easy to get off the shelf parts ‘apart from CPU’s and swtiches and pots’, which to me are also important components; well, at least with Elektron stuff i’m sure in 20/30 years time you’ll still be able to find all this tiny SMD components, that’s just the way technology goes… just my 2cents…

Well the obvious answer would be to just buy 2 and leave one in the box for 20/30 years. You’ll get 30-40 total years of Analog RTYM easy. Much longer than most marriages and at least for the first few years it’ll get updated with better features a few times a year (unlike with a new wife). :joy:

i live now, i try to enjoy the moment … 30 years? no way man, i am not thinking about this … my 2 ct :wink:

Totally agree… Why would you worry about such a thing and the way technolgy advances who knows what the hell we will be using…

I’m now 46. I’m not really expecting to be gigging in 30 years time, but you never know…

As SMT takes over the marketplace, some component manufacturers are also phasing out certain through-hole parts. They will not be around forever either. In fact you might have a hard time finding those through-hole parts 20-30 years from now.

Also the “SMT is harder to service” statement (implied by the “through hole is easier to service” statement) is a bit of a myth. With the right tools it’s entirely possible to build and repair surface-mount electronics. Some music electronics manufacturers (including a few modular synth builders) use SMD parts but do all soldering by hand.

If you listen to Ray Kurzweil, your 70s should be the new 20s, so it may be a possibility.

If you listen to Ray Kurzweil, your 70s should be the new 20s, so it may be a possibility.[/quote]
Never say never. :slight_smile:

Some of my favourite musicians aren’t exactly spring-chickens…

It’s called ‘planned obsolescence’.

Every electrical component is designed to eventually fail.
It’s business-they have to continue to make money…

If I can get 10 years out of my equipment, I’m good.

Pretty much this. If a very complicated electronic device in the Elektron price range lasts 10 years, I’m happy. If more than that, then I’m super happy.

I do expect some stuff to last more, mostly high end outboard. They cost 2000+ euros, and they aren’t used in the same manner as devices that have buttons, knobs and encoders that you’re smashing and twidding all the time (ie. all Elektron gear).

In 20 or 30 years, you won’t care about the Rytm anymore. Look, incredible brand-new gear comes along nearly every year. If you’re like most of us, you’ll be on to the next bigger, better thing long before your Rytm gives up the ghost! :joy:

In 30 years time Elektron will be producing enigmatic musical cognitive responsive implants. We will be lithe cybermen, caring little for primitive hardware, instead producing lucid shareable dreamscapes that will prove I’m you, you’re me & collectively we are just the imagination of ourselves :slight_smile:

How old is the first machinedrum. A lot of those sem to be floating around.

Reason 22, FL Studio 40 and Live 30 should be enough to produce 4/4 techno in 30 years time without the need for any gear - they will probably all come with a one click “Sound like it’s 1992” plugin that’ll create the tune for you while your holographic television keeps you entertained in another room.

In 30 years the SidStation will make HUGE COMEBACK. There will be a move away from biological and quantum synths, back to the SidStation and some early VSTs!!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: