How much trig would a trigless trig trig

…if a trigless trig could trig trigs?

Just a flippant/excited opening post to say my Octatrack has arrived today, and I’ve been reading the manual in preparation and getting mild headaches as a result. So many different concepts to get my head around! Too many trigless locks and lockless trigs!

I know there are videos so this isn’t a complaint or anything… just find I need to have two copies of it open so I can keep cross referencing what a lockless trig is versus a trigless lock, and the MC Escher like labyrinth of patterns, banks, parts, sets, projects, tracks etc etc.

Anyway I’m sure I’ll be n00bing it up with some questions soon, but in the meantime… hi! Some of you may recognise me from such forums as Muffwiggler, and the monome community.

If I can figure out monome and eurorack I’m sure I can figure out the OT.


read a bit of the manual, then just play around. the majority of the learning comes from use. welcome and enjoi!