How many of you?

How many of you also have an A4?

I need (ok, want) one badly but I just got the OT this Christmas. :slight_smile:

Trying to hold out and see what the new machine is even though it isn’t supposed to compete with the A4. I may get in trouble dropping another $1300 in less than a couple weeks…must…hold…out.

I bought all four machines in the span of two months, so you’d still be less impulsive than me if you bought it.
The A4 and OT are made for each other.
If you did buy it you wouldn’t be sorry.

I have both. they are the only Elektrons I have and they work great together… you wont regret getting the Analog 4. It’s like a gift from the gods…

I have no plans to get any of the others… I would buy an “Elektron Analog 6 or 8 voice drum machine” (hear that Elektron?)
And I would be more than okay if the white noise was digital.

right now I’m going back and forth on getting an MPC 500 for it’s portability to use for live improve beats and to aid in transitions.

I’ll see…

I’m curious what the new machine will be.

I recently got the volca trio for the kids to mess with and they fueled my want for a good analog synth since I’m getting more into hardware vs just my computer.

A nice beat machine would be something I’m interested in as well (not the machinedrum).

Hey there subq

I have the four ElektronQuombo…and A4 is the last arrived.

I can say: it’s awesome and possibilities huge!
and…if you’re interested in analog drum machine, then you have A4+Darenager DRUMA pack to start with.

Since A4 is a general purpose analog synth and you got a lot of modulation capabilities you can fine tune your drum sound with a bit of efforts.

Otherwise it’s plenty of actual drum machines built to make percussive synthesis…but then you’ll miss the sound-palette of A4. And believe me…it’s G R E A T !!!

i know $ 1k bucks are a lot…can not you get it using installments payment? I got mine this way and i will finish to pay it in 19 months! :thinking:

but it’s besides the OT (that also expands A4 performance mode by p-locking Perf Knobs…not possible within A4 itself)

Although the OT is the only one of the Quadrinity that I don’t have, I can see how the A4 would be the perfect accompaniment for it. Especially as the DRUMA pack is perfect for building analog drum loops and you could sample the A4 in poly mode on the OT.

The key, I think, is whether step sequencer composition works for you and the music you make. For all the A4’s qualities, it’s a workflow that doesn’t feel natural to me and I will probably end up selling the A4 and MM for that reason. If programming beats and melodies on the OT feels great for you, then you’ll love the A4.

well being that it is all just a hobby for me, there are some things that aren’t as critical as they would be to others…what I’ve done since getting the OT (which is only recently) is just sample things and mangle it from there

the want of an analog synth comes from messing around with some of the new cheap analog stuff synths…they don’t have the depth I want :slight_smile:

I’m still going to try to hold out until next month though.

i got 2 cents …

dont get too much gear at once … it stops (it stopped me) from figuring it out in depths …

honestly guys, how long till you really understood what was going on, and when did you think you had it covered, but you hadnt in retrospective …

i gonna sit and maybe in a year go for the OT

(got MD and A4 for a month now and sleeping with the usersmanual)

I know a solution, get a used one. It wont cost you $1300 dollar that way :slight_smile:

thing about the OT though, you need to feed it data :slight_smile:

that’s why I am on the prowl for some good synth food

I don’t have a huge problem with the price tag if it will do most of what I need it to do…I’m sitting on my hands until next month though.

The A4 is probably my favorite thing ever in the history of things.
And all mankind should buy at least one.
but honestly TrabanT is right both boxes so soon is overwhelming.
I bought them both within a month and largely ignored the OT for a long while. But after I did begin putting some focus on it I realized you can feed it pretty much anything and find interesting results. I like hooking up a mic and setting it by an open window and loop neighborhood noise through the spring verb. Or scanning a tuner on an A.M. radio…
point being, there’s a lot to keep your hands from being idle for the time being, but if you get an A4 you won’t regret it. Who knows what’s behind the frosted glass box. I’m sure it’ll probably be kick ass. But what could really trump four analog voices under the command of Elektron’s sequencer?

I had no interest in the A4. I assumed I could do everything with my OT and Tetra and that it would just be useless. So instead I bought an MnM. Then I came into some money and had planned to buy a korg kronos but after lots of research and trawling around I realised I could get a v-synth and a an A4 for the same as the kronos. My god what a good choice that was. The A4 is batshit crazy awesome. It sounds like the 80’s having an arm wrestle with techno’s cool new cousin underdog.

As for buying lot’s at once, it’s not advisable. I bought an A4, monomachine and v-synth in the space of a month. But hey, I love my set up now. Theres not much I can’t do with it.

I had this question for awhile. I have been using my OT to streamline and feed my Moog SP and Moog MT for awhile now. I just got the A4, and I know I have made a good choice. MOst likely will replace the SP but never the MT( nothing can compare) I think a world of expansion is coming soon.

The danger of me sitting around and waiting for too long is that the AK starts to look attractive.