How long to repair Octatrack?

Hi elektronauts,
unfortunately my OT got broken and i had to send it back to repair luckily still under warranty.
So now this has been the longest 4 weeks of my life. I really miss my OT. :sob:

Bought it at thomann a year ago. They told me they sent it to OT headquarters in Sweden. Has any one had OT repaired and how long did it take? Basically i had problems with one trigger button, fader, headphones output and glitchy screen.
Im based in Europe.

Thnx. I hope it will be back home soon where it belongs.

close to 2 month, with the launch of AR in the way ā€¦

then it was shipped back to thomann germany, and these idiots from thomann handed my OT to my neighbor and not to me personally ā€¦

That sucks man. I hope i get it soon or i will go to Sweden to pay a visit to elektron and pick it up myselfā€¦

Mine took 3 weeks from UK to Sweden and back. This was a couple of weeks before the Rytm was released.

I had the same problem and also waiting already from 25-07ā€¦

Already got it fixed and back?

Did u guys who got it repaired get a new one or just your old one?


mine came back with a spec of dust within the display ā€¦sigh

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Surprised to see so many of you with buggered OTā€™s. Makes me feel nervous about mine.

Iā€™m shipping mine back tomorrow to get the tip of a dodgy headphone adaptor removed from deep inside the headphone socket.

Two days away from a fortnight off work and iā€™m gonna be without my OT, what a shit-bag. Still, it should mean iā€™ll progress a bit quicker in learning the Rytm.

Iā€™d be happy with a three week turnaround like Nein mentioned, but weā€™ll seeā€¦

Mine had an intermittent headphone jack socket and also, the battery was dying, and so I opened a warranty query with Gear 4 Music about item repair on 23 May of this year.

After dealing with a few different members of staff, each with a seemingly natural propensity for avoiding questions asked regarding warranty details, I was finally informed that the a courier would at mine on the 2 June to collect the Octatrack. They didnā€™t show, but I managed to get the OT picked up on the 3 June instead.

After hearing nothing for a couple of weeks, I decided on email Gear 4 Music on 15 June to ask for an update and to check if they had themselves established the issues I had informed them of. On the 19 June I received a reply stating that an issue had been found and that it would be shipped to for repair. When asked if they could confirm BOTH problems, I received another response stating that they ā€œwerenā€™t sure, to be honest,ā€ but would investigate further. Time went on, and I still did not receive an update and a couple of my emails attempting to confirm whether both issues would be fixed were ignored.

The OT was dispatched back from Gear 4 Music on the 14 of July. No tracking details were provided until requested, and then only partially, making following the delivery impossible. Which is a shame, because if these details had been given I could have informed Gear 4 Music that they had managed to send the sampler back to the wrong address! Luckily, it was returned to them, but adding another few days to the delivery time.

On the 21 July I did finally receive it (again, partial tracking details were provided upon request - this time a tracking number but not the actual courier service name! - again making following the delivery impossible). Upon unboxing, it became apparent that they had forgotten got return its power super unit now! I once again contacted the retailer, and on 24 June I finally had both the OT and its PSU back together, despite that this time the PSU had arrived in a parcel addressed to the wrong person!!

So from initially opening the query, having the item repaired, and then receiving it back, it took exactly 2 months and 1 day, and an exchange of 39 increasingly irate emails.

I managed to repair my octatrack today.
Elektron sent me 3 encoders ( many thanks , I just had to pay shipping )

Swapped 2 encoders and all is now fine , hopefully.
Was very annoying with an intermittent function button ( save , mute etc) and button 13 was a bit sticky.

I ripped apart the offending encoders and I think it was just a bit of debris on the tiny golden ball , both ā€˜brokenā€™ old encoders might be fine now.
If I get similar issue again I might just prize open the encoder casing and clean the ball.( not the easiest thing and they donā€™t look pretty once theyā€™re put back together , and they still need removing to be able to hack them open)

Trickiest bit was melting/removing the old solder and removing the old encoders , and making sure ribbon cables were back on properly.

Obviously not recommended unless you are overly confident / stupid with a soldering iron and have no warranty.
Iā€™ve got a faulty dreadbox nyx which iā€™m not going near with a soldering iron

Interesting. The warranty on mine runs out next monthā€¦ So far no problems. Seriously considering learning to solder and get some skills so I can repair my OT when the time comes. Those encodersā€¦ Sheesh! I live in Australia 450 kms away from the nearest elektron dealerā€¦ I reckon a few DIY soldering kits will be cheaper :slight_smile:

Mine took 2 months, sydney to melbourne, not even a trip to sweden. I had a frankly terrible experience with service/repairs in au.

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Iā€™m not sure turnaround with any team is very quick , certainly likely to be worse in Australia iā€™d guess ( I only know the cliche Australia which is big , hot , kangaroos n stuff ) , Iā€™ve been to Sydney for 2 days , saw the opera house and some parrots.

The basic knowledge I have is from YouTube , making an axoloti controller , mini atmegatron ( quite straightforward but the leds were tricky , luckily it was just swapping encoders but thatā€™s about as complicated as I would attempt.

Iā€™m building the Erebus slowly and very carefully and bought more things to help ( anti static pad , flux , more solder tips)
Iā€™m also looking at an old pocket operator that might benefit from a power lead and bigger buttons to mash.
And make the craft synth more straightforward to hold ( the entire right side does nothing technically )

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Ooh shight thread derailā€¦ That Erebus kit caught my eye, how is it so far? I have limited solder experience but keen to learn.

I started soldering today , the images are clear , package is understandable , and I think itā€™s currently discounted.

Not sure if itā€™s easy or not as I havenā€™t finished it and turned it on yet.i may end up with a mangled mess of components in a burning cardboard box which might make some weird noises but not the synth ones Iā€™m hoping for