How do you DJ these days?

After some time off, I am now putting some sets back together. I made the transition from vinyl to Traktor a while back, but using control vinyl doesn’t seem practical anymore, having to buy the latest gear +software and using a laptop etc etc.

I would prefer to use the OT as a mixer, utilising whatever CDJ’s are in the club or wherever.

Whatever I do, I want the OT to be a part of it. Im thinking to go WAV files only from now on and mash up everything into sections & loops for the OT and perform a personalised set that way. Though I haven’t sussed out the OT’s functionality in relation to tempo/bpm yet.

Just wondering how you guys are DJing?

and/or if you include the OT?

Just 2 decks, a mixer and a crate full of vinyl.

I find it the most fun way, there’s no other reason than that.


Same as I always have. The most rewarding way. Playrecords.


:joy: It is. I’ll still buy the odd bits of vinyl. Not keen on carrying those heavy bags/crates everywhere though. Then there is the cost too.

I think I am more interested in exploiting the creative potential/opportunities digital has to offer too.

Vinyl is still by far my favourite.

Do also use Traktor though with ecler mixer and x1 and maschine. Get a lot of mileage using the excellently cheap monotron delay with this set up as well.

I personally don’t see the potential of using the OT as a dj unit.

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i still buy vinyls (cause wax is holy) and digitalise it, edit it (minor filtering and most of all cutting bullshit vocals) and play it with Traktor controlled by an X1 and F1.

i still got my good old technics, and i use them daily for listening to my record collection or to dj on lazy sundays. After all Traktor 2.5 gave me nearly everything i wanted in a long dj life and for me juggling cuepoints and kicking loops is more relevant than matching two spinning discs

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Vinyl, USB and some holdover CDs that’s I’ve burned. Never used a laptop, ever.

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I am not a DJ. Never been , never used vinyl. But i prefer Vinyl DJs.

Anyway, mixing with only OT its fun! Mixing with OT and one deck its more fun (i think).

Octatrack, btw, brings to another pespective of mashing songs and transitioning between them…and it is a lot of fun (and some frustration at the beginning)

When i set OT for mixing songs as a DJ would do, i use only OT and sometimes a KaossPad as added fx. but mainly only OT.


DECK 1                                         DECK2

T1 > static T5 > static
T2 > neighbor T6 > neighbor
T3 > pickup for T2 T7 > pickup for T6
------------ ------------
T4 > flex rec for CUE T8 > master


I’m afraid very little of the material I’m interested in is available on vinyl. I now buy all my material on-line as WAVs.

Last all vinyl set I did was 3 years ago.

Still on 2x CDJ1000s and a DJM600. Often with synths and drum-machines also connected.

I’m doing a lot more live shows than DJ shows these days, so can’t really justify upgrading the CDJs. I really fancy the CDJ2000 Nexus, but it’s outrageously expensive!

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I’m using cdj’s 2000 + djm 850 with rekordbox.
I love it, it’s easy and i only need too carry headphones and usb sticks with me :wink:
I’m coming from serato scratch but hate it too carry a laptop with me and instal soundcards while another dj is playing.


Yep, same (or in internet forum lingo : This)
I have used CD’s, Ableton and what have you but vinyl is the most fun.

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I just tried this out! True to your name! You have no idea what you have unleashed upon mankind.
Thanks for that !

^ glad for this =)

Also it is really fun to sequence parameter locks via trigless trigs using PlaysFree tracks in Hold and Direct.
So at your button pressing you get programmed fx, like stutters, sweeps and those candies. Without retriggering the song

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You are by far my fav member here. Like a mad scientist. I don’t even like DJing but I am gonna play with this.

:alien: Octatrack is a LAB!



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interesting topic!

Anyone dried to sync the Octatrack to a track from turntable or cdj via midi out on the mixing decks? Or adjust the tempo and sync manually?

Multiman (Inspektor Gadjet) is using the OT in a DJ-Set here:

Can you explain your setup a little bit more especially your workflow?

Hey man,

This sounds like it’d be super fun… but I’m a little confused. You use a single deck and an OT to mix around with?

Is it possible you could share a bit more of your process on this?

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An old thread comes back to life!

When I DJ I use the Denon SC5000m which is two decks in one body.

I have this to the right of the mixer, an Allen and Heath Xone DB:4.

on the left I keep my computer for random Serato, Spotify (if it’s a request party), or whatever, and then I have my OT there and/or the Op-1. I play random samples from these and mix it all together in the Xone.