How do i use elektron gear as master clock?

Hi guys I’m wanting to sync my soft sequencer (ableton live 9) and hardware - (dave smith mopho, machinedrum uw, monomachine mk2) to the midi clock of either the monomachine or the machine drum.

I also have a TM-1 that came with the machinedrum

is this do able?

Very easily doable with basic midi routing, although from my experience (and others) ableton and hardware tends to have a bit of jitter/drift. I’ve heard that 9 is much better, but haven’t used it.

yep, that’s a bit of an issue with software against hardware.
i do use live (9) and unfortunately the idea of having an external MIDI clock to get things to sync within live doesn’t really work out that well.
live simply doesn’t make it and the BPM isn’t as stable as it should be; on the other hand, if you sync your gears to live, then things work a bit differently (having said that, looking at the BPM on the machines you’ll notice it won’t be stable)
best solution would be to completely avoid software and just get a machine that does the master and slave all the others and then use live to record the audio, but if a bit of jitter doesn’t bother you, than you should be ok (that’s probably one of the reasons why i’m trying to eliminate the computer and use it to record audio…wish i had an OT :sob: )

Indeed. Avoiding software sync is the way to go. I used to be an avid ableton enthusiast for years until I got back into hardware more completely. It’s such a pain to calibrate the 2 worlds that if I use ableton at all these days its merely for sample editing for my OT. I record everything straight from the mixer with a h4n and then bounce stereo mix to ableton for slight compression and then bounce that straight to soundcloud. It kind of sucks as I have thousands of dollars worth of plug ins that are amazing, and never use them for much more than sample source for the OT.

You could get a midi thru box (those are inexpensive). You plug the master out in the thru box, and the other devices midi in connected to the other end of the thru box. There is some latency and jitter to deal with in ableton though

cheers for the replies, yeh im able to use live as master for my other gear but like you guys are saying the clock’s not incredibly stable.

on the other hand if I use monomachine as the master clock for ableton, I set ableton to receive external controll, therefore I’m unable to trigger clips within live.

I’l see how i go with live as the master for the time being