How do I copying a single sample pattern to another pattern

Hey guys. I currently have 5 patterns saved in my digitakt. I have made a bassline in pattern 1 and I want to transfer it to every other pattern. How do I copy and past it to every other pattern.

Im really looking for help…


Guy Edward

not quite sure what you mean…

So, if you’re in pattern A01 and your bassline is on track 1, you can copy the track by making sure that Track 1 is selected, also making sure that record mode is on and then pressing func+record.

Then change to the target pattern via ptn+track, select the desired track, make sure that record is still active and press func+stop.

That’s how you copy the sequencer data (ie the trigs) between tracks.

you can also copy sounds (ie all the parameter pages) by pressing trk+rec while having the track active that contains the sound you want to copy. then select the target track and press trk+stop to paste. or you could save the sound and load it in the target track.

hope this helped. there may be more efficient ways to reach your goal, but this is how i would do it.


thanks for your help got what I needed cheers :slight_smile: