How cold is it?

I’ll bite, -35 C here last night. Warming up now at -22 C and going to be positively tropical -5 C in a couple days.

Bald ass Canadian prairie guy here. I’m one of the weird ones who doesn’t complain because complaining doesn’t make it any warmer. Dressing for it does.

I’ve started to troll folks who bitch all the time about it but don’t wear appropriate winter clothing. Just smile and say how nice it is and find some other extreme to contrast it against!

“It’s not that cold, just think if you were somewhere really cold like the Antarctic!” Or some such…


Here in Phoenix it reached 73 degrees. Had to turn on the AC when I hit the highway on the way to work.


About 12 atm (Long Island NY), feels like 6. Not the worst it’s been but being from Southwest FL this is whack.

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Very cold

Quebec city, Canada. Something like -30 a few days ago.
Résultats de recherche d'images pour « photo tempete neige quebec »
Mon pays c’est l’hiver !


Another one “yeah it may be -35 but at least we don’t get snow like those poor buggers out east!”


I feel ya. Hot in NZ, by our standards. Haven’t worn pants or a shirt for days.

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you cop your pu-ehr at the green front building in chinatown ?

great info, next time i’m back in town i’ll hit those recommendations

This has honestly been the warmest winter i’ve encountered in Calgary, feels like spring when it should be -40 C

How do you rate Sophie’s Cuppa Tea in Oakland? They seem to take a lot of care in sourcing their tea

We had 42/5C last night. The morning looked exactly like a nasty winter storm was rolling through. Perfect convertible top down weather last night.


Hello from Quebec city !


Here it’s somewhere between a Kawai K1 and a Waldorf Micro Q. :stuck_out_tongue:

Kidding… it was -6.66C last night here.

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And someone was skying on the street just not far from my house. Too much snow so they closed Salaberry street for the night :slight_smile:
Btw i live downtown !


I miss it…but i dont miss it :wink:

UGH we’ve had the most snow in feb. on record, I believe. Like, people are giving up, because where the hell do we put the snow?

Rainin catz and dogz for weeks all over Cali, lots of snow at higher altitude. Windy too! Sometimes you just see dogz flyin sideways across the land, the catz at times are going so fast at you can barely see em! Experiencing an “atmospheric river event”…
Could be colder in my neck of the woods but the weather is nuttzo, pipes have frozen a few times.

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Extremely warm winter in e Europe.