I wanna use a Drumkat to play percussive sounds from the Analog Keys. How should I make the midi connections from the pannel of the Analog Keys?
never tried it with an ak… or a drumkat itself… but: lets say its all the same in theory (some exceptions)
your drumkat, sends out on a midi-channel… and the track on your ak responds to a midichannel.
if both are the same… you should be able to send out midi-notes on your drumkat to your ak… and the ak should respond.
now the question is… does the pads on your drumkat, send out the right midi-note-number… my dtx2.0 sends out C4 for the kickdrum.
and most of my drummachines have the kick mapped to c4… so it works… If it doesn’t… its usually because I use some non-standardised drumkit on an old toy keyboard or something… and in that case… I have to reconfigure my dtx2.0 drumbrain to send out the appropriate midi-note for the right drumsound.
so in short:
midi-channels have to be correct… and midi-notes should be mapped correct… if this is done… you should be able to play
whatever you setup, with your drumkat… if you cannot change send-midinotes… your boned… if its just the case of the midichannel. I am sure you can remap that one on the ak. …
hope this helps you out…
I’ll try it when I get back home. Thanx a lot for the feedback, you’re very kind!
If you want to use all the pads on the Drumkat, mutli-maps on the A4 is what you want. Check out this thread: