How can I program these kind of note bursts in this demo on the A4?

FM speed LFO set with TRIG and fast decay ?

EDIT : no way, this sounds so much like MD/OT retrig, can’t believe it’s A4

Could be done with an LFO controlling the amp/osc volume (like Void wrote), or by simply using the delay as a stutter effect. Sounds more like the former however. Haven’t peeked into the sound pack myself, but the pattern should be in there for the curious.


How would one use the delay to glitch like that?

Very short delay time, medium feedback.


I had interesting results with lfo (saw) on pitch / filter and Multiply p-lock.
I still think it is not made with A4, because we can hear claps, which are difficult to obtain with A4.

Ok actually now I think it can be done with A4.
As Void and Simon mentioned, for the exemple above, it works well with Exp or Saw Lfo1 on Osc 1 Lev, modifying Lfo1 Mul with Rdm Lfo2 and Hold.
High Osc values.

We can have interesting claps reducing noise S&H (kind of bit reduction ?).


Can you elaborate on that? I’ve been trying it and can’t get it to retrigger a kick patch. What kind of values are using for the LFOs speed and LFO2’s multiplier?

Check that thread first. I didn’t practice a lot since. :wink:
A4 - Repeats or retrigger