How are people tracking multiple devices?

Instrument and fx main outs into analog mixer, main bus into audio interface and ableton live for stereo recording. Each recording is a live performance and if it s not good enough i do it again.


What analog mixer are you using?

Mackie 1642VLZ4. Great features but I have doubts about build quality.

I still do what I’ve always done: Plug as many of my outputs as possible into the inputs available on my DAW. With cables. Overbridge is a great idea, but I’ve had it crash/freeze while only recording one machine, so it’s not a realistic option for recording.

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Yeah, the R16 doesn’t have the track-as-metronome feature, sadly, but thanks for trying. I have a friend who’s used it successfully on the R8 and, as I say, the metronome on headphones can sync a modular. I do wonder if I could parlay that into MIDI if I picked up the expander for Pam’s New Workout.

I’ve had 3x RME Multiface units for quite a few years now. That gives me 24 analogue inputs (and a few SPDIF inputs), so I often use my DAW more like a digital mixer / multitrack recorder.

I’ve become very disillusioned with USB audio, due to latencies and instability. More often than not, I’m using the stand-alone editors for my Elektron devices and not the full Overbridge.

The only device I’m using USB audio with, is my Virus TI. I’m seriously considering dropping the plug-in and going with a stand-alone editor for that too.

…but, I’m now considering a line mixer or patch-bay for pulling some channels into my system.

I haven’t had any issues with Overbridge at all and do the majority of my recording that way, with all 12 Rytm tracks and all 4 Digitone tracks going through Overbridge, and all my other hardware running through my interface(s)/xr18. Just arm all the tracks and I can record everything in one go with MIDI wizardry jumping through patterns/sequences on my machines, automating knob twists that I can’t do with only 2 hands, and tweaking settings or patches on my hardware effects racks

I’m running my instruments through a patchbay which can route my signals to any input (amps, mixer, elektrons, pedal board, etc.) and then have my mixer send four channels to my Focusrite Clarett 4Pre. This leaves the mic pres on the 4Pre open for any instruments I want to mic up, and I have an additional 4 mic pres on the mixer if I plan on doing a mic heavy session. I’ve considered grabbing an ADAT expander, but haven’t wanted to drop the cash for the one I want (Audient ASP880). So far this has been working nicely as I typically only track one or two things at a time, and do arranging/editing in Ableton.

on a sidenote: I run a behringer ada8200 over adat into my RME Multiface. In tracking, I dont notice a difference between the two

I have a Mackie Onyx 1620i that everything goes in to, then on to Ableton Live.
Most of the time I just jam and forget to record anyway.

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Overbridge for all my Elektron boxes, all the others (more or less) have their own individual channel inputs on my interfaces - use a Clarett 2Pre with a Clarett OctoPre connected via ADAT. It means that I can compose entirely out of the box with my Octatrack as the brain, structuring with Arranger. Then when I’m ready to track, I can pretty much just hit play and track all at once.

Only caveat is the bloody OT! Have to then track each track at a time. Oh for Overbridge.

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How you liking the OctoPre? Are you using mics with it? I’m generally happy with the Clarett pres, but they just are a little light on gain/high on hiss for my liking, and I’ve been looking a mic pres (and mics that need a healthy amount of gain) a lot recently…

I went from a Scarlett to the Claretts, and noticed a real improvement to my ear. I really like them, though I’m tracking synths almost exclusively if I’m honest.

Cool. I definitely love the conversion as well. Pretty brilliant for the price.

Overbridge multi-tracking with AR and DT for 2-person jam recording. Also have an FX track each for DT and AR (turn off all track routing and the FX can be isolated, with AR compressor vol down). This mixes all the tracks FX together for each device, which is not very flexible for DAW mixing afterwards, but I decided to let the FX track exist as a kind of indication of intent, and then for the most part I replace the recorded elektron FX track with DAW fx when I’m chopping up the recordings.

I did have issues earlier this year with OB recording, but it’s been pretty smooth lately! Very convenient to just use the USB.