Hi guys. So yeah I kinda went crazy and just ordered an A4 and Roland V-Synth. Sold a bunch of stuff and well, yeah, the trigger finger got the better of me.
Anyway, I need to work out how to hook all this stuff up now. I was originally planning on only buying a keyboard but there was a nice A4 for a good price so I went with it.
I’d like to avoid a mixer if possible. The set up now is like this…
OT Audio:
A + B = Tetra
C + D = MnM
MnM Audio:
Input A = Shruthi
This leaves me not needing a mixer and only scarifies one MnM track for the shruthi.
Midi is chained from the OT > MnM > Tetra > Shruthi
MnM channel 1-9 Tetra Channel 10, Shruthi channel 12 and OT channel 11
So initial idea was this…
OT Audio:
A + B = A4
C + D = MnM
A4 Audio in = Tetra
I don’t quite know how the audio in works on the A4, not sure if it means I have to sacrifice a track or not?
MnM Audio in = V-Synth
This sacrifices the shruthi. Could be possible to work around if I run the Tetra in mono and then use the tetra and shruthi into the MnM on seperate channels and V synth on the A4.
V-Synth Audio in = OT Cue.
I figured this would be interesting as the V-Synth has some nice onboard effects and being able to choose stuff on the OT and send to the V=synth could be fun.
I also reverb and delay pedal I could dedicate to any of the synths (the reverb works lovely with the Tetra though).
I do have a mixer but I am not using it. It’s a Yamaha MG12/14. It’s easier if I can work with a mixer. I wish the OT had more inputs so bad. I nearly bought an OT instead of an A4 just for the inputs.
Midi wise, the A4 can sequence it self so I’ll just send it clock and transport. I’d like to use the V synth as a midi controller but I am not sure about things like local off and all that stuff I am a bit of a midi newb and have only used it in its most basic sense.
Also if possible I would like to use the midi OUT of the MnM not Thru for the shruthi. Not sure if thats possible but seems it could help reduce the chaining.
Wow that was a long post… sorry guys hope it all makes sense. Would really like feedback and advice.
In terms of my work flow I usually work with thru machines for synths, a few flexs for beats and the odd static for atmosphere. Effects Is always the most difficult. The MnM has great routing options which is making things a bit free-er but I would still like to start using the crossfader more.
Anyway Thanks peeps.