Home made analog synth

I built this small synth when i was 13.
See how it’s easy, a few capacitors, transistor, resistances and potentiometers…

Ahah, see how great the keyboard was :slight_smile:

Wow great! And it comes with free programmable scales and microtonality!!11 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

What happens to the pitch if you press two “keys” at once? :wink:

Well, by pressing two keys at once, you get “extra” tones you don’t expect :slight_smile: . Great for experimentation ! ahah. That was a parameter i didn’t think about it at the moment.

Thats cool, you should start building some diy kits, I’m hooked on them, just finnished my 10th kit (Anushri) so sweet !


That reminded me of my selfmade “PCB”, as described here:

I will record a few sounds from it, and post a video. With good effects on it, it may sound cool :slight_smile: