For this battle I hope you’ll all join me sampling classic tv themes.
We had a battle a couple of years ago when we sampled classic children’s tv shows, for this we will use non children’s themes from
cop shows, thriller, drama or any other tv themes.
Of course there’s plenty out there and I hope you all will post up a favourite or two of your own, or even a random choice that you may have just discovered while digging around on YouTube for this battle.
You CAN sample any vid you post yourself if you choose to, but you must also incorporate at least one other track posted by someone else.
If you can find something that you feel really isn’t too great for samples but it’s a classic, post it anyway, I’m sure someone will make use of it.
General bullet points
post any NON children’s tv theme or themes of your choice
You can use your own selection (don’t have to) but must also incorporate at least one other track posted by someone else.
Bass & drums can come from any source.
No synths or Vsti (except bass)
Vocals are ok (scratching, hooks etc) from an acapella or tv dialogue but no full length verses from songs.
Please include your forum name in the title of your beat.
Send your beat to me via message by Wednesday 13th November
Any questions please ask and I hope we get a good turnout.
Nice one!
The great thing will be discovering themes from from all over the world.
Growing up in the uk you pretty much only hear UK, USA and Australian themes.
I don’t see any reason why you cant rework something you’ve already made, but also incorporate a sample posted here that you haven’t sampled before with it.