Hoping you guys can help with this, I’ve not been using recorder trigs until now, now that I have my AR I’d like to be able to do automated sampling with it.
I’ve followed the exact steps in this tutorial vid (replace MD with AR) and from what I grasp with the manual too but when I come out of record mode and place a normal trig on the sequencer hoping to hear my sample play back I get nothing…
The signal from the AR is being received, the recording channel volumes are turned up as are dir. Anyone know what I’m doing wrong? Thanks.
the video is not clear that you can place a recorder trig whilst in the recorder trig menue, and you can place a trig whilst in record mode …
the red button / yellow has a different function whether you are in the rec play mode or in recorder trig mode … jeeee this is such a bitch to explain … pm me if you stumble across this again
Hey, thanks for the advice. I understand what you mean, this doesn’t seem to be the problem though.
For the record it’s been fine since I posted this originally, until now. I’m having all sorts of problems now, for instance…
I place a one shot recorder trig on a flex machine, hit play to record a loop from the AR, come out of record mode and place a trig, hit play and it plays 1 second of my sample then cuts off.
I then go to a different track and use a new recorder buffer and it records fine… but then I go to slice mode, create a grid and place some random locks, the result is full of artefacts and sounds terrible (bearing in mind this was working fine yesterday). It also might be worth noting that now when I remove all grid locks and replace it as just a normal trig, it now has an artefact at the start of the 2nd bar).
Assuming the project is somehow corrupted (if thats possible on the OT?) or having some issues with memory (I’m starting to think it may be something to do with this)… I then open a new project and start clean but I am now back to my original problem from the 1st post, the trig not playing anything (I even checked all the settings and compared them with the other project that was recording before it started messing up, all the settings are the same.
depending on where your trigs are the recording might have to complete or the pattern loops before you can hear it. if the record and playback trigs are on the same step you might need to micro shift the sample trig forward. if you’re messing with the rate or pitch, especially.
try holding the track button and hitting bank/edit to make sure there is a waveform. try doing this as the recorder is working and you’ll see it fill in with the waveform.
oh and the above stuff sounds like you need to turn time stretching off.