I’ve been slowly collecting gear now for a while and I think its time I start getting some structure into my production. I’ve got an OT, MD and A4 but I can’t for the life of me figure out program changing. The whole concept of MIDI still confuses me as is. Ideally, I would like to change pattern on the OT and for that to change both MD and A4. I currently have the MD sending MIDI out to the A4, the A4 sending midi sync out to both Korg Monotribe and the OT, and the OT sending MIDI out to Moog Taurus. I’d somehow like to also send MIDI sync to a Drum computer. Any ideas on which setup I could get the most out of? AND can someone please tell me how to set up program changing (or at least point me in the right direction)?
Depends on which one you´d want to be the “master”. One example:
Setup OT (master):
Function + Mixer => MIDI menu
Setup MD (slave):
Function + Global => Slot 1
Control: PRG CHANGE => IN
SYNC: Tempo In = External.
Connect Midi cable from OT Midi OUT => MD Midi IN.
Now is your OT the master, sending transport ctrls (play/stop) and sending midi clock. Changing patterns and pressing play/stop on your OT should have your MD following since it is an slave (its tempo should be seen as EXT in window).
Should get you going… similar with your other gears.
Is there anything further I have to do in regards to program change? Or will it just work like Bank 1: Pattern 1 on OT = Bank A: Patter 1 on MD and so on with A4?
Not sure. I only did a quick test setup here (and I have teared it down already). It was as described in previous post. It didn´t seem to need anything further…
However I didn´t do an reset first on either the OT or MD (UW), so it might be that I´ve got any/some other settings “correct”. Which would be from a totally different situation any time earlier, that´s just then been kept unchanged…
In my test: pattern A01 in OT yielded pattern A01 in MD. Transport and clock fully synced.
hi BrownBomber
did you find a solution. I´ve tried most stuff mentioned on both forums - having the same problem MD coming a pattern to late when mastered with the OT