Help with Ambient/ Dubby Pads/ Chords/ Stabs

can any of you guys drop some science on me re: making pad/ chord type sounds with the MNM? I’ve come pretty close to the sound i’m shooting for but i’m not quite where i wanna be yet.

I’m working toward both totally spaced/dark ambient pads and dubby chords for a new project i’m working on.

ehy there! do you have any released reference?

also you might have a look at the compiled tips pdf.

this is the way

[look for monomachine tips by tIB ; Tarekith’s Monomachine Tips & Tricks]

hey man, i have some dark ambient/ drone/ industrial stuff my wife and i did before we got any elektron gear up here:

the new thing i’m working on is going to be more much beat driven, dubby almost acidy techno… like pendle coven or something but still with dark industrialish leanings. haven’t recorded any of that stuff yet though.

thanks for the point in the right direction.

Userwaves machine is a good approach - get some single cycle waveforms loaded up from AdventureKid - organs and the like or whatever takes your fancy - 1000’s of them to choose from:

DustWard…i like your sounds :slight_smile: and evolving scapes!
what do you mean by Drill in the description for Moz?

do you mean a real drill or a vco that pierce your perceptions like a drill?

Going to your question…i have one more for you… [ hoping to help in the disclosure of something ]:

what external fx do you have? speaking here also for overdrive/dist kind of stomp boxes?

Because MnM is capable of doing a lot of different timbres, but i find also its “headroom” a bit limited so -sometimes- it needs to be pushed more for some kind of saturations and resonant reverberations.

So…i would first suggest to find a machine that fits better your need for a particular raw timbre - then i would add FX machines in parallel/serial fashion fed by the source machine.

(at least you got 5 FXs…3 reverbs? 2 chorus? flangers???..MnM is really a nice machine and, since you’re going in a more-rhythmic direction, the sequencer is aweeeeesoooome! )


I did a patch for trying a way to do what i wrote. Also recording the result.
If this is completely away from what you expect…ignore it.
Otherwise i can send you info or the .syx itself to try it by yourself.

I like to use the Ensemble machines (there are two) to make chords and pads. Once you get a chord going, try using the Filter to hollow out the sound. Then try running it through reverbs and delays.

You can also layer sounds on multiple tracks and then route them all through an effect machine(s). That can give you some really wild stuff. The possibilities are truly endless.

haha nope i mean a real powerdrill with a contact mic stuck to it run through a bunch of effects. its the high synthy whirrrrrrrrrr sound you hear on a couple tracks.

as far as external efx pedals, i’ve been a noise musician for the better part of ten years and a musician in general for about 17 so i have way too many. at one point I used to have around 300 pedals but I sold the majority in recent months to buy an A4 and an Octatrack.

i dig that example sound. thanks for hooking it up.

contact mic…nice!

i’ve tried also a lot a guitar pickup to capture EMF…from drill to nokia charger to everything around us…weeeird sounds sometimes!!!

I like this thread !