Help - transposing not working / flashing light on track 2

hello all,

i am experiencing something a bit strange on my OT, although i am sure it is just something i don’t understand.

i have been using bank a & transposing samples no problem. but for some reason, in bank b i can’t get the samples to transpose. they simply re-trigger. what makes it even stranger is that if i got to bank c, everything works fine again. ideally i don’t want to miss bank b, so would anyone have any ideas?

also, there is a green flashing light on track 2. i can’t seem to get it to stop :confused:

finally (sorry for seeming a pain, but i am trying to learn how to use this & dsi tempest at the same time), what is the option to select if i want an audio sample to finish playing the whole sample, even when i have moved onto the next pattern? basically, i find that sometimes the sample continues to play until finished, whilst other times it just stops as soon as i move pattern.

i hope i have explained myself well.

any help would be greatly appreciated!

many thanks,


The flashing light means the track is cued. just hold cue and the track to uncue it. Other stuff I’ll let someone else answer.

thanks for your reply. i actually just remembered about the cue function. must have accidentally cued the track when i was having a jam.

now i just need to figure out these other bits. it’s very weird!

Hold down the trigger you have that makes problems in bank b and go through all the pages with buttons below the screen. And check if any other parameter is highlighted-blacklightened.

For sample to not to play out to the end place a silent trigger on that track in bank B if you are coming from bank A if you don’t want it to play in a next bank. If you want it to play to the end leave lenght and decay and hold to 127. But pay attention that you don’t have a trigger on that track in the next pattern or bank.

Hope it helps :smiley:

Thanks for your reply. Sadly it hasn’t fixed the problem. No parameters appear to be selected.

Even when I change the pitch or rate in the playback menu, it does nothing. The only thing that has any effect on the sound in the STRT parameter. I can change that value & it behaves as expected.

I’ve pin pointed the problem down to T1 Bank B only.

If I load the same sample into T2 Bank B, it behaves normally (I can repitch it). But if I load a different sample into T1 Bank B, nothing seems to work (apart from the STRT param).

This is making me think I have made a mistake in setting up that track somehow…

Maybe you have locked the other parameters to the scene?

How would I go about unlocking it?

To find out if this is the case, press and hold the scene button A or B depending on where your crossfader is. The track LEDs and inverted graphics on parameter values give info on what is locked. Clear by holding the scene button and pressing encoders.

you beauty! it worked! turns out i had the pitch locked to 0%…

all working again :slight_smile:

thank you so much.

No problem, I bet most have had similar moments when getting to grips with the OT.

Is there a way to set the BPM to a specific pattern?

For example, have patterns 1-4 at 120bpm, then 5-9 at 122bpm.

Would be a useful feature is it hasn’t already been implemented.

Not to my knowledge

haven’t tried myself but there’s a means to program BPM with the arranger p109