i am experiencing something a bit strange on my OT, although i am sure it is just something i don’t understand.
i have been using bank a & transposing samples no problem. but for some reason, in bank b i can’t get the samples to transpose. they simply re-trigger. what makes it even stranger is that if i got to bank c, everything works fine again. ideally i don’t want to miss bank b, so would anyone have any ideas?
also, there is a green flashing light on track 2. i can’t seem to get it to stop
finally (sorry for seeming a pain, but i am trying to learn how to use this & dsi tempest at the same time), what is the option to select if i want an audio sample to finish playing the whole sample, even when i have moved onto the next pattern? basically, i find that sometimes the sample continues to play until finished, whilst other times it just stops as soon as i move pattern.
Hold down the trigger you have that makes problems in bank b and go through all the pages with buttons below the screen. And check if any other parameter is highlighted-blacklightened.
For sample to not to play out to the end place a silent trigger on that track in bank B if you are coming from bank A if you don’t want it to play in a next bank. If you want it to play to the end leave lenght and decay and hold to 127. But pay attention that you don’t have a trigger on that track in the next pattern or bank.
Thanks for your reply. Sadly it hasn’t fixed the problem. No parameters appear to be selected.
Even when I change the pitch or rate in the playback menu, it does nothing. The only thing that has any effect on the sound in the STRT parameter. I can change that value & it behaves as expected.
I’ve pin pointed the problem down to T1 Bank B only.
If I load the same sample into T2 Bank B, it behaves normally (I can repitch it). But if I load a different sample into T1 Bank B, nothing seems to work (apart from the STRT param).
This is making me think I have made a mistake in setting up that track somehow…
To find out if this is the case, press and hold the scene button A or B depending on where your crossfader is. The track LEDs and inverted graphics on parameter values give info on what is locked. Clear by holding the scene button and pressing encoders.