Help! :) Plugged the OT for the first time and no sound!


The worst nightmare of someone just plugging his new gear for the first time just happened to me: I plugged the Octatrack and got absolutely NO sound from the Headphones or the Main Out.

I observed all the manual instructions: first plugged the main out cables, connected them to my mixer (a Pioneer DJM-400, which is working) and inserted the memory card that comes with the OT. Then turned on the demo mode, pressed [PLAY] to activate the pattern A01 and nothing happened, although the display and all the lights are working (the steps are flashing).

I tried all the other patterns and again I´ve got no sound (both on the headphone and the main out).

I´ve already checked both the volume, the level and the main volume/level and cue volume/level. No sound at all!

I did a [FUNCTION] + Powerup and did the Test Mode, and nothing anormal was displayed on the screen (everything is informed to be OK). However, I did not reset to factory because I don´t know if it´s the “EMPTY RESET” option. [UPDATE: I did the Empty Reset and the unit is still silent].

As I live in Brazil and our taxes are really high, sending the Octatrack back for repair to Elektron will represent indeed the return of the product, because I simply cannot afford the customs taxes :frowning: Please help me to make it work! :slight_smile:

You had better try to resolve this through a support ticket, since it sounds like you did everything right. However, you could try sampling trhough it in case the problem is with the CF card.

You shouldn’t have to pay customs on a repair. When Elektron fill out the customs form they would mark it as repair rather than purchase. If you have paperwork of the original purchase and the repair authorization and you paid the original taxes then you should not have a problem.

You can see if it passes thru audio at least

Plug a sound source in to IN AB,
in mixer section turn DIR AB up to max

Sound should now pass thru the octatrack.
Input leds should also light up when your AB source is playing.

Hello @Anigbrowl and @Regis!

I´ve managed to make sounds with the Octatrack :slight_smile:

The manual says that just after pluging the cables, starting the OT in the [DEMO MODE] and inserting the Compact Flash, I should “Press [PLAY] to listen to pattern A1” (or the others 15 demo patterns), which didn´t happened.

So, I skipped all that [DEMO MODE] stuff, started everything from the scrap, mounting a set (using first the ‘PRESETS’ set of the CF) and everything worked. It was a problem with the CF/Demo Mode.

Thanks for your help! I´ll also answer Elektron´s support email (which told me to send them te unit back).