Hello all
I picked up an Octatrack about a month ago for a bit of a bargain price and chucked myself into learning it. As it stands, I am reasonably comfortable with the various functions, I get there in the end, but as for being creative with it and churning out anything of interest well, that’s an altogether different matter! I can accept that a month isn’t really long enough but with limited spare time I’m starting to wonder whether it is right for me or if I should focus on what I know and am much more adept at (ITB rather than OTB).
At the moment I typically have the Octatrack sequencing my other hardware (x-station, Mopho, Miniak, iPad & Yamaha A4000) and I have some fun using it this way. I am finally using my hardware for a start which had all sat in the corner gathering dust other than the x-station which is my master/audio interface. But, and it’s a big but, I can do all of this sequencing via my laptop & Ableton if I wanted to or, if I had to have a step sequencer, then even just my iPad.
It’s when it comes to the sampling side of things, an area I know the Octatrack shines in, that it falls to pieces for me to be honest! I think Ableton has actually spoiled me with its ease of use. Does anyone have any tips or resources to read through for the sampling side of things in the hope I hit a “eureeka!” moment? Say, ignore the laptop, pick one piece of gear to sequence then try x, y & z to sample it and be creative.
Ultimately, the Octatrack might just not be my thing but being the most expensive bit of hardware I have ever owned I kind of don’t want to give up on it! I want to keep working at it! I can see the potential. Maybe I have been guilty of trying to do it all at once and should break it down to begin with - focus on sequencing midi gear and learn to sample/resample this on the fly.
Would appreciate any sort of pointers. I have gone through the Elektron tutorials but always good to get some advice from users. I know Im not the only one to find it tough going in the early days of Octatrack ownership! Stop me feeling like I will end up selling my hardware!!!