I want to downgrade my octatrack to the latest OS version that did not record note length and velocity in midi mode. The release notes of the current OS say that it’s version 1.21B what i’m looking for.
Does anybody have a local copy of OS 1.21B to share with me?
I can’t find a link on the elektron site and my copy didn’t survife the last hdd head crash
I want to use the midi step sequencer in grid mode again with my virus. Unfortunately i had no success getting comfortable with the octatrack recording note length and velocity in grid mode when using an external keyboard. I hoped that elektron will make this an optional feature, but I waited for one year without success.
So thanks a lot for the old OS! For me the downgrade will be like the latest A4 update for most users: Means i’m very excited to try it out and to plug my keyboard again into the octatrack. Getting back to the good old days