Help me fall in love with my OT before I part with it

i think you should really sit down with your octa and follow along with one or two of these full videos. that’s what helped teach and inspire me


Thank you. THIS is perfect!


All this talk about the OT got me hyped too.
It’s cool to see so much shared ideas and ambition to learn the ins and outs of these machines here. Very contagious.

I woke up after 4 hours of sleep today bcs my alcoholic neighbor needed a ride to get more booze and I thought this day is a lost cause. Not at all.

A full-on Max Marco intensive course is going on instead!!


Nice one, I’ll be joining you tomorrow!


Am I the only one who likes the reverb?


Load cool drum, voice and other samples into the 8 tracks and create patterns for each track. Experiment with the effects, filters and LFOs for each track. Try creating scenes with the faders for A and B and next try parameter locks for each step of a sequence for a track. Later on you can try sampling things into the OT and then mangle the samples. It took me a solid year to get the basics down on mine.


I may be totally wrong but I THINK the fade turned out to be after the actual recording, unfortunately. @sezare56 - you’ve investigated this a bit, right?

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Yep. FOUT can be used with Pickups.
You can make fades with AMP or slides. They can be applied to a Thru to record them.

You can resample with crossfades using 2 tracks

Or put hihats and don’t care about clics…


Having a Syntakt and Analog Rytm and longing for my old machinedrum’s weirdness is what led me to octatrack. The idea of forever making feature requests for AR and ST in a quest to achieve this unattainable complexity that already exists with Octatrack, made me realize I was just trying to have my cake and eat it too with ST and AR, when Octa is already a buffet of weird features that you can spend a lifetime with. Im still a new user so time will tell, but if you want that depth then keep it, if you don’t, lose it or save it for when you want that again.


Definitely not!! The dark reverb is incredible. It’s so atmospheric and murky.


Yeah the biggest issue is if you want a continous loop, say a pad or something. Next to impossible to do live.

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Why impossible ?

With Pickups, for a pad, if you start to play after recording start, stop playing and wait for fx tail end you should obtain a seemless loop…

IDK, despite my best efforts I simply cannot seem to get pop-free seamless loops with certainty. So if you say play a set based on looping live, there will always be a loop or two that pop.

Even with Pickups ?

Yeah, there’s always pops sadly. Which never come up when I use my Boss looper.

I have to give another try with Pickups…
As I said above, once I used slides as fades, and recorded a seemless loop with 2 tracks, 2 recorders iirc…

Which one ? I had almost all RCs, and I was very frustrated with Flex recording clics at first.
Now I can deal with it with Amp settings.

Boss RC-3 iirc.

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Midi sequencer is only 4 notes and paraphonic, not really powerful if you like chords. This is my biggest bummer about Elektron gear.

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All midi notes are stuck together. Same length, same start and end position.