Just started playing with my Machinedrum this arvo, I havn’t used it for a few months now, and after about an hour or so it started getting real slow with button pushes/ updating pages ect…
It first did it when I went into the routing page in global menu (I’ve never used this function before), and I was setting up the “Trig In A/B” settings. I was trying to set the “Dest” and it seemed like the encoder wasnt doing anything, it would jump from nothing, to 01BD, to16M4. I then pressed “No” to get out but it took a few seconds to respond. And then back in the main screen, pressing the “SYNTHESIS/EFFECTS/ROUTING” toggle key, it would just stay on the “SYNTHESIS” page.
I checked the power supply was ok, even tried my Octa’s power supply but still the same thing.
Also, for example, when changing the tempo it isnt an instant change, it hangs for a while.
No, normally you don’t.
You can perform a sysex dump so you have a backup.
Read the release notes for more information.
The release notes are in the same folder with the update file!!!
This sounds almost exactly like what happened to me when I was experimenting with the inputs.
What kind of signal were you routing from output 6 to the input?
I was using an impulse machine (I think), but I never had the MD runing.
I did plug o/p F to i/p A before I sent anything to o/p F.
After the soft reset, this worked fine.
I’m about to upload a clip for the 2step science lab.
Stay tuned.
Regardless, this is exactly the same issue I had when goofing around with the inputs. It’s like it shorts the whole machine out if it’s not a pure, cyclic, audio signal.
The Impulse machine is very scientific and so provides a wide range for abuse - the inputs seem to be a little picky about what kind of signal they receive. Sorry for your trouble, happy for your recovery, and even happier to hear I’m not the only one.
For safety, you can use almost any machine as a trigger out, but some periodicity might prevent this in the future.