Help: Launch Control XL with Digitakt

Hello! I am using a Launch Control XL to control the 5 parameters of the Digitakt all running on my Ableton DAW. On the new LCXL editor I couldn’t map Delay Time, Reverb Decay Time, Ping Pong and a couple more, I used the CC values from the DT manual but seems to now working in the LCXL, is weird because the rest of values work perfectly.

On the other hand, can you please recommend me a way to use the LCXL to control 8 tracks of the Digitakt at once, using the faders to control the volume of each track?

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

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Make sure you are sending the CC messages on the channel specified by FX CONTROL CH in the SETTINGS > MIDI CONFIG > CHANNELS menu.


Hi Peter, thanks so much for taking the time to respond.

My FX Control CH is 9. This is how my Ableton DAW looks now Dropbox - Captura de Pantalla 2021-08-14 a la(s) 17.24.46.png - Simplify your life

In this way I managed to control all the DT tracks with LCXL, is this set up correct? I guess every channel is a track right? but yeah when I change the DT channel to 9 on Ableton the delay time responds now in the LCXL.

Sorry if this is confusing!

Hi! I totally recommend using the rather nice Launch Control app for making your configuration.
It is quite easy to do and offers a few tricks on top (like getting to choose the colors, having more than just one layout, using any button in momentary mode e.g. for delay feedback which is so much fun).

Like Peter wrote when you are mapping the cc for the single tracks use the individual MIDI channel of the track but when mapping FX parameters use the FX Control Channel which is 9 in your case. Should be working like a charm then.

Your Ableton configuration is looking good as much as I can tell.

Hi! Thanks for your response!

Yes, I am using the new one :slight_smile: Here you can check I am trying to map the Delay time (cc85), you mean to use the Channel 9 in the LED mini Ch as here? Dropbox - Captura de Pantalla 2021-08-14 a la(s) 19.46.46.png - Simplify your life

No, choose 9 in Midi channel (2nd Parameter from the top). Then it should be working.
And wow, did not know there was a new one. Been a cpl of months that I sold my LC XL.
Also consider limiting the min/ max ranges. Could make sense for some parameters like Delay feedback or Filter cutoff.

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Hi, I just did that but still nothing.
Do i need to also change something on my Ableton DAW or DT config?

By the way how do you normally map the faders as volumes for each track, right now each of them control the volume of all tracks

Thanks in advance!

I do not think so. At least not in Ableton since you already have the midichannels set. Maybe checking the settings in your DT helps.

For volume just use the same cc for every Fader in the LC software but with the correspondent Midi channel per track e.g. 1 for track 1, 2 for track 2 etc. It is the same for any cc that you want to map to every single one of DT‘s tracks.

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Thank you. I did that but still not working anyways, I’ll figure it out :slight_smile:

Good luck!
It is difficult to help if you can not see the configuration of all knobs and sliders of the LC XL.
Probably I still have my old LC XL configuration file on my harddrive at home though.
I could check this evening and send it to you via PM if you want me to. Maybe that helps figuring it out.
However I made this before Elektron launched that really sweet firmware update some weeks ago so a couple of CC numbers might have changed in the meantime.

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