hi every body, i am a new happy owner of the octatrack , i just buy it the last week so for the moment i know nothing about, i was playing mpc 2500 before. A friend of my will come next week with an jomox 999 and we have plan to play together , but i am a ugly shit in midi understanding before i was just running my mpc with a blofled synth, could somebody can help configure the mpc the octatrack the jomox and the synth together, any advice will be good thank in advance enzo
keep it simple first, get comfy with the blofeld in monotimbral mode on a midi track - i got thrown by the need to activate midi tracks by pressing teh encoder, then just mess about until you have one track working to your wishes - then think about plumbing in the other stuff …
yeap , you are right , i must know a to control the blofeld with the octatrack before make a big set up… thank for your reply i keep you on touch
Hi !
Here is another shameless bump to my tutorial on MIDI for the OT.
It also uses a Blofeld as the sound engine, so you’ll be in familiar territory
Enjoy !
thank to share your tutorial, what happen in your video at 1.15 min , i can see your push the rec button, after the function button and i push the trigger button 1 but no sound coming, did you make something before?