I’ve recorded some P-Locks of a filter being moved in real time (live recording mode) There are notes on the sequencer as well as the filter P-Locks. How do I remove only the P-Lock for the filter? I could have sworn it was Press in filter button and hit clear (play button) but that doesn’t work. Any help would be appreciated.
Hold the trig and press the knob if you want to do it for just that trig.
Edit for more detail:
In grid mode: if you want to delete a specific Plock (filter, res, etc) just hold the desired trig and press the data knob of the parameter to clear. The screen will show it go back to normal color, rather than the inverted Plock color.
To delete all plocks on the trig , hold trig and push clear.
In live record: you can hold function + no to erase plocks during the duration of the button combo on active track.