Help! CC learn mode

So I’m using my girlfriends OT. Having a woman who loves electronic music and gears like you is a different topic altogether…

But I’ve got this hardware and I am enjoying sequencing it with the OT, it has a useful arp.

But I know the power is in p-locking the CC messages, and I can’t get the OT to hear the CC changes.

I’m not proficient in MIDI and I’m sure that this is my problem. I can get into MIDI learn mode, the MIDI cables are configured correctly (I/O), but it won’t hear the CC changes.

I’ve tried this on my Polaris and an SQ80 both - no luck.

Can anyone please talk me through to a solution?

When you say the Octatrack wont hear the CC changes, do you mean that you’re hoping to record changes by adjusting parameters on the Polaris / SQ-80 themselves?

If that’s the case, it sounds like those synths probably don’t send CC messages via their knobs / sliders.

In that case, you need to assign the Octatrack’s knobs to the proper CC numbers of the parameters on those instruments (found in their manuals.) You can then set parameter locks with the Octatrack knobs.

I don’t actually own one yet but that’s my understanding.of how it works.

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Hi there.

I’m not sure about the SQ, but I know that the Polaris sends CC messages on every slider.

But are you saying that I need to find the CC map for each synth and program it that way?

I did try that for the Polaris but it didn’t work… I’m blaming my general ignorance when it comes to MIDI information…

this should be pretty straightforward…pg.117-118 OT 1.25b manual

if this has not already helped…give another buZz =)

Read that, watched the tutorial videos.

I suspect the problem is in my MIDI settings or the settings on my synths.

Read that, watched the tutorial videos.

I suspect the problem is in my MIDI settings or the settings on my synths.

I can get into the learn MIDI mode, it’s just that the OT doesn’t hear anything when I move any sliders…

check better also on pg.128

Anyway…what Midi channel is the Chroma sending at? i dont know anything of this synth

Ok / thanks for that. I’ll have a read, manual is right here.

It transmits on any channel - I just have to choose which one, I think.

Ok so I looked at that page and went through everything.

I couldn’t get the OT to hear any CC messages but I did get it so that the arp that I had set up on the OT MIDI track would play depending on which keys I was playing on the Polaris, without the sequencer happening.

It was strange as it did it two ways; first I would hold a note down and it would arp according to the relative notes I had set up in the arp menu for that MIDI track.

Then I turned everything off and on and it would arp only the notes that I play on the keyboard. Strange and great, but there is this thing where the first note I play had more decay than all the other arp’d notes.

So I’ll play a Cmin and the chord will play with a little decay over the top of the arp’d notes. I’d like to disable that in order to use this feature - I’m pretty sure it’s not a synth programming issue.


I just found the archaic instructions online on how to solve my original issue!!! Fark…

For future references