HELP! cand find the right cc value to control korg EMX1 drum part 7B level knob from my octatrack

Hello, i’m trying to controll my korg emx1’s drum part 7B level knob to create a manual sidechain with an LFO from my octatrack but i cannot find which CC number needs to be assigned to my octatracks midi ctrl setup despite looking at the emx1 midi implementation chart.
thanks in advance for any help

Not every device can be controlled by cc with such accuracy, sometimes if it’s not included in the midi implementation chart, it’s just not available. I’ll pull up the emx1 manual so I can look at what you’re dealing with, but it may not be possible.


i had managed to get it working on a synth part’s cuttoff knob

should be at TABLE 1 0B 27

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Drum 7B is D#3
Keep in mind that the pads are spread across three midi channels by default.


how does d#3 translate to this cc5 knob for example (midi T2 FX2 Knob A)

There you have it, I don’t see a cc either, looks like a lot of the device control is via sysex. Do you have this long version of the midi implementation chart? I downloaded this from the korg site.

edit: link removed, incorrect version as pointed out below

I’m looking it over right now.

thats the sheet i have aswell

Almost all the drum stuff is controlled via NRPN.

Edit: And here’s the (pretty thin) explanation of how it expects NRPN to be received

No indication I can find of what parameters map to what rr mm values.


I’m assuming you’re already on channel 10

my drum midi channel is set to channel 6 and all my synth are 1 to 5 in order of each part

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See if anything here is helpful regarding how to send NRPN from OT, looks like after you identify what the emx1 wants to be fed, you need to orchestrate and send the 4 CC messages manually in order to implement any nrpn out from OT.

looks like at best the operation will be clunky.

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The applicable values for the parameter numbers are given by Korg in the MIDI implementation document that was linked above. EDIT: no, the file linked above is NOT for the EMX-1!

Table 1 of the EMX-1 document shows that the lower (rr) and upper (mm) bytes of the parameter number for part 7B level are 27 and 0B (hexadecimal), as @Goffbaby previously found.

Table 1 also says that the values for the level range from 0 to 127 (decimal) and are sent using the MSB of the NRPN data (MIDI CC 6) only.

Therefore the OT only needs to send three CC messages in order to send the correct NRPN message to the EMX-1.


For the life of me, I cannot see where y’all are finding 27 0B to select 7B and Level :laughing: Table 1 looks like the layout of patterns in dump data? And I see Amp Level mentioned in the Channel Messages tables, but I think that’s just CCs for the synths?

Not important as I’m not really planning on sequencing my EMX, but I’d love to learn how to properly read this if you have time.

And maybe not even that? Or not every time, anyway. Usually with NRPN you can just send the select message (62, 63) once, and then any subsequent data messages (just 06 in this case?) will be understood to adjust that value until the next NRPN select is sent.


I double checked the linked file provided by @shigginpit above and it is for the more recent electribe instruments, not the EMX-1. There is a specific EMX-1 MIDI implementation text document that can be downloaded from Korg’s website.

In the MIDI implementation text document:

  • section 2.1 lists the recognized receive channel messages, including NRPN parameter numbers (CCs 98 and 99) and refers to “Table 1” for further details;
  • Table 1 is titled Non Registered Parameter Number (NRPN) and appears after section 2.5 (SysEx), about one third of the way through the file;
  • the first column of Table 1 gives the NRPN parameter numbers, the second column gives the parameter name, the third the synth or drum channel designation, the fourth the need for MSB only or MSB+LSB data values, and the fifth column gives the range of values.



Thank goodness! That makes so much more sense. Appreciate you!