I had long journey and now that I’m back home, I’m back to the Machines.
I started using the Octatrack when realised two things.
The first being:
the Headphone Output was pretty distorted.
I don’t know why is that. The volume knob was at 12 o’ clock. I ran it through speakers, still distorted, in case it were my headphones, I tried another pair of headphones. Still distorted…
So the volume Knob acted sort of like a GainStage, then something happened with the left channel.
The Second thing:
The volume knob at cero, I still can hear a little of the output thru my Headphones. When I GUESS , I DON’T REMEMBER, if the Volume Knob was at 0 , I guess it’s supposed to not hear anything at the headphones output.
But this I don’t remember.
Can anyone tell me if this is right? The volume at cero and still hear sounds from the octatrack?
I contacted Elektron, they say that if I’m getting that distortion it must be a hardware problem. Yet, I don’t know if I should send it, since I have a presentation in three weeks, and SOMEHOW, today it doesn’t sound distorted.
It sounds distorted if I crank the Volume Knob all the way up. But I guess that’s just normal.
Cheap Sennheiser hd201. Also tried it thru my bass amp. Which is a TC Electronic but since the output is stereo and the signal is already amplified. Well, yep.
Pretty much the same here. One side and scratchy. It’s probably a problem and I’m probably not going to fix it since I don’t want to be without my sequencer for that long.
Known hardware issue - send it in while your warranty lasts.
Elektron’s servicing was excellent and fast in my case. (Little over 2 weeks return time)
Send it before you go on vacation…
a fix is to use compressor on t8 as master track and turn the gain all the way up. dont have your headphones on obviously. it worked for me. there was a thread about it in the old forum
I’ve had the same problem, or will have until I send it in
Contact with support has been great, of course they ask all the usual questions about my headphones et c, although of course they know this problem exists in a number of units.