Has the OT aged well?

Did I mention that Analog Heat has quite a rejuvenating effect on the Octatrack?


What happens if you use the incorrect voltage, instant failure or slow failure over time? Someone gave me a 303 a few years ago and I just bought some factory sealed cards for $5 each on eBay because I thought SM was SM. They’ve all worked fine, so I guess they’re 5v, but I just moved and it’s still packed so I can’t actually check.

Yeah, dialing in the filters and damping on the reverb makes a huge difference, and having pre-reverb LP/HP filtering immediately puts it ahead of most onboard reverbs I’ve used - rolling off the highs and lows on the send signal before it hits the actual reverb is pretty key to getting a really good reverb sound.

Lately I’ve been sweeping the actual decay time in dark reverb with the crossfader, you can get some really good rough-but-musical buffer glitch kind of sounds out of that.


Good idea about xfader on reverb decay, totally stealing!

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You seem like a cool fella, but I wouldn’t buy ya :smiley:

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Watch out, when it gets down to really short times at high feedback levels it starts to self oscillate, and it’s pretty high pitched and loud, or at least it was the other night.


Couldn’t tell you I’m afraid. But sending 5V into a card that has been designed to work with 3.3V is the equivalent of trying to water your garden with a pressure cleaning hose.

Chances are, the incorrect one won’t physically fit anyway.

I’m for rent only. Very expensive. :smile:


OT lives that wonderful dichotomy of being ‘too complicated and deep’ for many people and yet ‘too restrictive compared to a daw’ for those same people.

Many might argue that only a fool these days would sculpt wood by hand with axe and chisel, you should buy a laser cutting machine and good software package instead.

If an identical spec came out on kickstarter today and the OT never existed, it would still be a massive success.


Be careful you’re of topic !
No microtiming page for scenes, but you can use midi TRCs to control them and crossfader value ! :thup:
And read the f old manual ! :wink:

That’s one of my secret wish on the analog machines: add a “random bias” global setting that can be mapped to LFO and performance macros to increase the likelyhood of the % conditional trig to reach true. That would be nuts.


Possible with the good old OT !

It has aged well I think but it kind of sits in a odd spot as far as sound quality goes. It’s not gonna be the ultracrunchy mirage but it’s also not as high quality as many modern samplers. The fx are also sort of in this boat. Also the way the tails get cut off on the sequencer. Still though as a full package it is more than enough to produce and be ready to do live shows.

No instrument ages well. That’s why I throw all my guitars and synths in the bin every couple of years.

Seriously though the OT is as current as the samples you put into it.


6.5 years on and I would like a second one.


where is the time going? On 29.11.2011 i bought the OT, my very first Elektron device!

this scares me a bit


It’s aged a lot better than me and despite my disappointment about the lack of upgrades I just got a second one. In my opinion it’s equally iconic as the x0x boxes. And that’s not to contradict what I wrote above. I do have a hard time getting the FX to sound the way I’d like them to.

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FX can be tricky on the OT! I found out that the adjustment of the sound-level plays a big role how the FX sounds: delay, chorus, phaser, flanger

You know, after nearly six years of using the OT, it still works and this makes me feel that this was one of my best investment.
After the mk2 announcement my OT now gets more love… it is still a powerful gear and I can’t imagine a setup without.
The OT is such an universal tool… with creativity you could get nearly everything out of it.:slightly_smiling_face:

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I sold my first OT 5 years ago.
I sold my second OT yesterday.
I bought the MK2 today.