Hardware Mixer or expand my RME FF-400

Dear Elektron’s,

Merry Christmas.

i’m now really on the Hardware way and i like it.
Of course now i have the feeling i need more :wink:

My question is with my RME FF-400 i’m at the point with In-/ Outputs full connect.
Will be the better choice, buying a Hardware Mixer or expand my FF with Adat.

I like my FF, that’s not a question.

I would like hear from You, your experience or advise.

Thank you.

All the best


Do you need all the individual outputs for mixing separate tracks in a DAW? If not, I’d go for a mixer. I have all my stuff connected to an analog mixer, which only feeds one stereo signal into the computer for recording, so no individual track mixing in a DAW for me, but I like the hands on tactile thing with a mixer.

Dear Daisuk,

thank you for your feedback.

No it is not to going in the DAW back.
The only point that i not mentioned yet, i need four main outputs (Subwoofer, Speaker’s)
Of course i agree, everything in the hand.

All the best,


I used to have a FF800 then “stepped down” to a Focusrite Saffire Pro 40. Like you I ended up needing more inputs and also yearned for a more tactile interface and more flexibility routing my hardware and FX. Couple of months ago I picked up a Behringer X32 compact during the brief sale some retailers had going on. Couldn’t be happier with it. I know Behringer sometimes get a bad rep but this thing is truly awesome. It’s designed to be a live recording desk but I find it perfect for my project studio. I plan on expanding it soon with the S16 box which adds another 16 ins, 8 outs and an ADAT port (which I will use with Expert Sleepers Silent Way to control the modular). I use the X32 iPad app on 2 iPads to mix and route FX etc from opposite ends of my studio. For example, my Elektron boxes and modular are not within reach of the X32 but with the iPad app its not an issue. You can even use the mixer as an audio interface for the iPad using the camera connection kit! Anyway, this is starting to sound like an ad for Behringer. I say go for a mixer. Especially a digital one that can be expanded with more inputs/outputs.

One thing to consider is that the totalmix software is MIDI controllable and could be pretty sweet with something along the lines of a BCF2000. Also the totalmix software works as a almost no latency direct hardware patchbay/router which can be very versatile. Adat expansion boxes with decent converters are pretty pricy tho.

Dear Elektronauts,

thank you for the reply’s. One question more. This is not clear for me in the moment. How i connect a Midikeyboard to one of the Synth’s if i connect the Synth’s to the OT as an Master?

All the best,


hey there, awesome soundcard… fellow owner and appreciator here.

fascinated to hear about the adat option, i had forgotten about that.

i guess the question is, what are the quality of the AD converters in the adat, and how keen are you for the qualities a hardware mixer brings …

how important is it to have all tracks captured individually … how often do you work this way…

depending on the style and amount of tracks you produce, maybe influences the decision?

i think the Ecler range of hardware mixers provide not only a hardware interface, but individual stereo busses from mixer to computer via firewire. so, as far as the digital realm goes, personally i really hope to try an Evo5 one day. 5 individual stereo outs to computer via firewire, and a 6th stereo signal as the entire mix.

but then there are other options, the yamaha desk with many inputs and flying faders …

or the other end of the scale, a tube driven 12 channel vintage second hand Neve mixing desk

I just picked up a 1996-vintage Yamaha RM800 24:8 monster for $400. This thing sounds really warm, gets very favorable reviews compared to anything new close to its current price bracket, and retailed for $2500 or so when it was new.

This thing sounds very warm with mucho I/O but weighs a ton. My migration to analog again (after 10 years of being mostly in the PC box) is coming full circle. It started with a (growing) modular monster and then an Octatrack. Now it may expand again depending on what’s under the frosted glass from Elektron.

I had a RM8000 for a short time. They are an excellent bargain and sound great. :+1: Unfortunately had to sell it when I moved.

Thank you All,

for comming back. But sorry i didn’t understand totally your response.

Maybe my question was not clear.
If OT is the Master of Snyc connected to the other Harddevice ( other Hardware, Shruthi etc. ) how i connect also a Masterkeyboard to Shruthi also?

All the best,
