I was so bummed that I didn’t get the MicroGranny in time, but this looks excellent! I’m assuming they might release a kit later, but I may just preorder an assembled unit now. Thanks for the heads up.
Cool. Pretty sure LoopsHaunt uses one of those, or at least something similar. Pretty cool - but something similar can be achieved with the Octatrack, surely?
I think that the OT can do something similar but not exactly. I have a few granular on my phone too but these don’t usually give me the effect I want. At least in the vid the new microgranny has a very good sound. Plus sync controlled grains and midi side chain seem interesting.
I liked and didn’t like the sound. When a strong loop point was found it sounds great but I think it sounds terrible with the pops on the grains not aligned well. Most of the soundcloud demos are a bit iffy to me. I want to like it but is it doing much more than, say, Samplewiz? Maybe I’m missing something.
i’m at a workshop with them right now… can forward question lol
That would be fun.
I have some questions
- What is the limit on the samples and micro sd card?
- The first batch was limited to 30 but the second batch was only ten?!?
- It seems a huge success so are they planning on making a large number of these or will it continue to be limited?
- What sets this apart from apps such as samplwiz?
- I liked the video but felt the soundcloud snippets were so-so. Ok, that’s not really a question.
Anyway have fun and please ask if you can.
Btw, are you learning circuits from them?
Oh and what is meant by samples at 8bit, plays at 16 bit. Can I load 16 bit samples on sd?
workshop was long over when i read your questions (the next day…)…
they did have one granny with them, but the 'shop was about the smaller trinity boxes… dunno about production / availability of the granular…
it was fun, really nice guys… the circuits for the trinity things are simple, buncha caps, resistors and an atmega. then some LEDs, buttons, pots for the UI. What’s cool about this is that the UI is simple & quirky, and that you can easily flash custom firmwares.
what it basically does is provide you with a box of Legos for making quirky low-fi DSP synths easily, in a nice package…
They smaller boxes look very similar to Patchblocks!
So there is no real limit on the sample length. Still don’t know how that works though. I got an email saying they will be organizing the samples onto the card soon and it looks like the first batch will be sent out on time.