My head is swimming with possibilities and potential I know will take time to fully exploit. However before I go too mad, I want to make sure I’m not making a mess of things.

I hear a lot of people talking about projects getting disorganized and what not. Does anyone recommend any threads / documentation that will guide me in establishing best practices for keeping my OT from spiraling out of control into a mess of disorganization and chaos? Is it possible to clean up project files on a computer?

Congrats! Welcome to the cool kid club. Above is a good place to start with getting to know your OT better. After you read the manual of course.

I can’t say enough about this doc by Merlin - really chimed with me regarding the organization/structure of the OT:

Got mine yesterday. Congrats. I will be lurking stealing your tips for my own evil purposes.

  1. Every time I turn it on, for a few moments I’ve completely forget how to use it.

  2. Every time I turn it off, I’ve just finished having an epiphany.

I just locked the “Start” parameter to a scene and moved the crossfader on a sliced drum beat. And I thought the crossfader was superfluous DJ bait! This thing is gonna be fun!

That’s the joy of the OT. IT’s not designed to have a single purpose workflow, it’s designed to make you think of new ways to do things. :slight_smile:

I’m still trudging my way through the manual. But I’ve managed to learn how to use flex machines, slice samples, and use scenes in some interesting ways. This is not much to listen to, but it’s the first bit of interesting sound I’ve gotten out of it.

Basically it’s two beats, one I sampled from my Tempest and one from my OP-1. I then sliced them and setup a few trigs, and assigned the RTRG, PTCH, and STRT parameters to scene B. This allows doing neat drum fills by using Retrigger as sort of a beat repeat effect.

What I’d like to know is if there’s any way to have a parameter only change when the fader is all the way over to the far right. For example I would like to have RTIM (Retrigger Time) at 1.0 but have it jump to 2.0 when the fader is to the far left. The transition from 1.0 to 2.0 produces some off-time results.

Thanks poonti for sharing.

Not as far as I know.

Thanks poonti for sharing.[/quote]
Thanks, but all credit goes to Merlin, who I think I saw post here somewhere, so he’s around!

To engage absolute values don’t use the crossfader. Instead change the scene by pressing the appropriate scene button.

Doh, great workaround. I do that all the time in my sets, just hit different scene buttons in time with the music. Great for fun fills, and they change depending on where the crossfader is. So the same button sequence can sound infinitely different.