So I’ve decided to take the Eurorack plunge. By this time next week I should have a 10 module Euro being controlled by my A4…I’m pretty excited. Anyone else bit the Eurorack bug?
When my ship comes in. Not quite there yet;) Will go bananas on a monster system on that day, for sure.
Oh yeah. 42U and counting…
Glad to know, welcome to the club… What modules are you getting first? I built my Make Noise’s Shared System in a Doepfer 6U flightcase… and got a couple more of Flight of Harmony modules (IMP and Plague Bearer). Embarrassing enough, I use my A4 more to control and process my modular, than on its own.
Can I join the club?
A doepfer DIY kit #1 laying on cigarettes card boxes and books with an Intellijel rubicon as only monarch at the moment…
Shameless plug, but you should check the stuff I build and design out
I would be careful about Euro.
Its more deadly in terms of gear lust than anything else. And you may end up spending lots and LOTS of money and at the end of the day not being either impressed by the overall sound (given the cost you have spent), or the production work flow.
The filters are generally very good as is the modulation but Ive been most disappointed by the oscillator choices.
There is also a lot HYPE to wade through when dealing with Euro, that most people who are under the drug still believe in and will defend.
The worst thing I see in euro is when people try to turn their modular system into their whole studio and try do all the functions of studio gear - and they get very proud that their system can do that - for 10x the cost of a similar non modular set up
It definitely has its strengths but it also has its weaknesses and overall I think its overpriced.
As many people say, go slow and try out everything you have first to see what you think. Don’t believe the hype, because every day there is another new set of must have modules.
I’ve wanted a modular for AGES but I just know it will be underused for the price. As great as it would be to play about, I feel it might be a bit like my experience with reaktor. I loved the idea of being able to make my own things but in the end just ended up downlaoding other peoples. With reaktor thats fine but with a hugely expensive modular? best I stay away.
That being said here is a video of a dude who makes wicked music all with modular gear… just so as not to be a negative nelly
and another one with some elektron gear
sound advice from fewture!
take it slow, explore every module throughly before adding a new one.
i recently went from a 15ru euro set up to 6ru and an A4 and i find the smaller system is way more satisfying and it forces me to use what i have in a deeper way.
Thanks for the welcome
I’ve just picked up my modules and I’m happy to report that they are resting nicely in a 6U Monorocket M6104 case. My system is mostly Intellijel at the moment with the exception of a Maths (2013) and a Moskwa sequencer (love the Moskwa!) I’m like you man…I’m using the A4 mainly to send CV to the modular…and since I know you’re sending CV to your modular I have a big favor question to ask you after my list of modules and photo of my modular.
Dixie II
Buff Mult
Korgasmatron II
To anyone who may be viewing this thread and controller a modular via CV-
There seems to be a bug with setting P-locks to change the Clock rate
When I send clock to my modular and set a P-Lock to change the rate the P-lock is completely ignored and no change to the clock rate is sent…the A4 continues to send clock at the “default” setting. If someone could confirm this for me that would be great.
exactly what fewture said
I got a Nord G2 Engine before they were gone. It has saved me thousands of dollars in experimenting with a vast range of modules without actually buying them. I could not afford the equivalent setups in actual hardware that I can plugin and throw away on the G2.
Modular is great, but a great modular is very expensive.
my Pittsburgh foundation, i have really enjoyed it, the experimentation and sound quality is amazing,
the more esoteric is great in its own right, i plan to combine the 2 , the foundation fits my ny need for a foundation euro, it will all be crazy from there on,
but pittsburgh has really sold me, they are top quality regardless of price, there oscs and filter are amazing, and not even too expensive
There’s hardly any gear that could be more fun that modulars, especially for improvisation/exploration/sound design. That’s me with some of my gear durin the last Xaoc Devices show.
I agree Manti…nice shot dude.
I must be one of the only people that actually finds it difficult to fill 6U. Plus I’m still limiting myself to 10 cables!!
Basically, I’ve built the vast majority from buying second hand. I’ve started with some DIY too, easy way to save money and gain some skills along the way.
I’m just over half way there and absolutely love it. It let’s me get in the studio without any objective and just see what happens, for me this was much needed.
Decide on what you want to do. Why do you want a modular? Move from there.
You’re not alone in the “difficulty to fill 6U”…I’m in the same boat. I love all of the modules I have now and I’m a little over half way full in my 104hp 6U Monorocket. I’ll be adding a 4ms Pedals PEG in a about a week…but once I add that I’ll be good for a long while. At some point I’d like to add a very distinct osc…maybe the Jupiter Storm.