Goddam the Octatrack is a great piece of gear

honorable!! :heart:
jeez how much I love this piece of gear!!

“Like” no, “Love” more “Love” post SciLab :slight_smile:

To be honest, I got tears when I first read the manual. I started thinking about when I began making music in 1971, fast forward to this beast. I was overcome with the brilliance.

I could use a second one.

The OT has made the rest of my gear feel boring. It is the machine of my dreams.

Really? It’s breathed new life into everything I have. Why get something new when I can sequence and record it into the OT?

Really? It’s breathed new life into everything I have. Why get something new when I can sequence and record it into the OT? [/quote]
Yes, that is what I’m saying. I have so much more fun sequencing my synths from the OT, recording and mangling the result etc. that just playing the synths on their own feels dull in comparison.

  • 1.000 !