Getting that "Justice" sound live w/ no laptop

This is one aspect which makes the lives shows so good.

Justice was played every night I went out, which was on a fairly regular basis then. They really made their own sound and for that I respect them. I think they were an act that really pushed DAW production forward for electronic music.


Curious if anyone has a favorite tutorial on creating the “justice sound” with hardward or with a daw. I haven’t tried in years but from what I recall most of them go something like “it’s just tons of processing and overdriving and limiting!” but then end up with an unimpressive final result.


Don’t think this was posted yet. Maybe my favorite justice tut


I swear I read a cubase article from cubase 11 where justice says that’s what they used to rewrite women worldwide. The bad thing is steinberg got rid of the article

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There is an Apple Music interview coming up soon. Maybe you’ll get some insights on what they do that makes them stand out from the rest.

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I remember an interview with Trent Reznor at one point where he wondered how the hell Newjack was made, so I guess it’s a question for the ages :stuck_out_tongue:


How are we liking the new releases so far? in my opinion it might be their best since cross. The lobby/elevator bell sound on Saturnine is so perfect. dinggggg

It’s as if they heard you.


I guess they don’t know how they made cross either!


Justice reminds me of this Birdy Nam Nam masterpiece.

their process seems frankly insane but hard to argue with the results i suppose


It’s all samples in garageband and Cubase! Pretty insane, but that makes a lot of sense. I hope someone can someday take a crack at what kind of compression and processing they used to get their unique sound.

Might be wrong but I’m pretty sure Daft Punk used an Alesis 3630 for their pumping sidechain. Few of those bad boys on group outputs on the behringer and you’re getting somewhere I reckon.

Justice co-produced this - great song!

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