Hey All,
Total newbie here, so go easy! I’ve got my kick on track one, and even when all tracks are muted (MIDI tracks too!) I still hear it. Also, every 4 bars, the kick triggers twice even though the sequence is only 1 bar long (and retrig is set at one).
Any idea what’s going on?
Tracks which were sent to cue out will sound even they are muted. Are you using cue out for the kick track?
How to check: when track led is blinking that means that track sound is sent to cue outs.
Thanks! It was indeed the cue :-
Any idea why my kick is triggering twice every four bars when the track sequence is only one bar long?
your sample could just be that much longer that it plays “out” after the first bar has finished playing. … or the track setting (flex machine) is set so it will loop the sample automatically (even after the page is finished)
I figured it out: I had accidentally set the master length to 65 steps instead of 64. I should have noticed that extra beat right away :-\