Get ready…

Definitely. I’m so happy with this release. Now just to hear the thing and to see how far the machines can be warped with the limited set of parameters. Bring on the videos already!


That sounds awesome! If it took batteries I would be all over that.

They took down the price officially at least. I recall the official price for M:S being around 400€ and still is for same retailers. Moreover this thing can probably make all the trademark Machinedrum sounds for 300€. Not interested in the product (probably) but It’s a good move in general.

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For Gods sake, I just recently sold my Octatrack.

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Mine is for sale : 3000$


Ess confirmed they had production issues, but it’s still in the works - no eta given tho

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I could, you’re right, I just don’t have the sort of space or money for 2 DNs. One day.

If RMR is from Australia, then it’s already Feb 26 there, maybe the video was scheduled with day but not time of day?

Another developer here. I agree that user error is entirely possible but I disagree that bugs get fixed promptly. I’ve worked in a lot of companies on a lot of systems for 15 years and things slip through the net all the time. Even these days with more sophisticated processes in place it’s VERY rare to have anything like 100% test coverage.

I certainly have no desire to get into a “who knows software development better” argument and I’m sure we can agree that either human or machine error is possible. What I would say is that a guy like RMR, who has good standing in the community and good relationships with many companies, wouldn’t have made that mistake lightly. But we all make mistakes.

Let’s face it, it’s not exactly a big deal. Elektron have had loads of buzz around this and it won’t make any difference to sales - people will either buy this thing or they won’t.


note that this confirms and fulfills their “meet our machines” pitch. so it’s unlikely there’s another one coming in addition.

it also confuses the “Cycles” name. for me at least, having thought it was a single cycle waveform/wavetable type machine. seems more MD, 01/iV or Syncussion-like.


But it has audio over USB, no?

Hi, I know nothing about programming.
I just wanted to add, when the notification popped up on my iPad I clicked it straight away and got linked to the video. I was sat at my Mac at the time and it popped up there too but when I clicked it a split second later the page wouldn’t load. I don’t know whether or not this helps with your diagnosis…

I want my prize too

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I have never seen these kinds of complaints when Elektron still released good stuff. It was many years ago though…

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Probably. But If it uses the same software/hardware as Model:Samples this feature might be broken given that it doesn’t work on that machine.

Social media comms person here. I’d agree tbh. Thousands of companies, organisations, even state entities are relying on the publishing tools these channels provide, with schedules running months in advance and sometimes there’s a massive amount riding on an embargo. It strikes me highly unlikely YT would have a bug in its scheduling software.

It also dropped about the same time as I assume the embargo is meant to be lifted tomorrow - 6pm CET - not some random glitchy hour of some random day, so it looks like RMR just set the wrong date.

Either way, I hope he’s ok. He’s made a few comments about his health lately, and his deletion of his reddit account makes me hope he’s not hit a spiral :frowning:


:raising_hand_man: I WAS TOTALLY RIGHT


Aren’t they all though? :confused:


None are described as “Groovebox” by Elektron themselves though…

We are all right

And wrong

In many different ways.