Decided to just record when I stumble onto interesting patches and start noodling and show anyone who might be interested in the range of this fantastic little synth. Next, I’m going to post some demos if the microbrute controlling and processing the audio from a couple iPad apps (iMini and Nave). Then (once I find the 1/4-1/8th adapters I own), I’m going to patch the Analog 4 in and sequence the MicroBrute and get some more wild modulation going in that tantalizing little mod matrix.
The point is to get wild and try to push everything to its limit when dialing stuff in so people can get a better idea of what it’s like to actually stand in front of these items, instead of what it’s like spending time dialing in the patch you want, composing something good, then recording, arranging and processing it. As this isn’t a song, parts of it are not musical at all! I hope these demos I start doing will be more helpful to people than most. Either do a track, or do a demo!
I plan to do this for vintage gear I come across and any new stuff I get suckered into buying =)
Excellent. I need one of these in my life right now. Not only a cracking little synth in and of itself but great for controlling external modular gear too.
Nothing comes close to this little guy @ $300. It has SO MANY uses and it sounds incredible- if Arturia built a polysynth with this basic architecture in mind, it would be HUGE sounding.
So just sat on the sofa & whiled away the last 2 hours with my new nasty little friend.
Got to say for this money, frankly it’s staggeringly good. Love the HP & BP filter modes in particular. Great interface too - really intuitive & responds just like you expect an analogue to ( my big problem with the A4 I must say ). Sound quality is way better than you should expect at this price - frankly it’s destined to be a little classic - very unique little synth.
Can’t wait to hook it up with it’s big brothers & get some MIDI clocked Cv madness on the go.
Love it… It’s just got ‘that’ undefinable ‘play with me’ thing going on…